Radio Host Predicts Electoral Landslide Win For Trump
Published on : October 6, 2020 Published by : Jacob Palmieri
Radio Host Kevin McCullough released his prediction for the 2020 election.
He predicted a landslide electoral win for President Trump.
Kevin McCullough
I predicted Obama would beat Hillary and be President in 2009, in a publicly published column in the winter of 2006.
I predicted Obama would defeat Romney in 2012.
I predicted within a half state the exact map of 2016.
This election isn’t hard. Trump wins.
208 Biden 330 Trump
He has a history of great predictions.
Kevin McCullough
Extra Credit Assignment: Send this map to lefties and tell them it comes from a source who accurately predicted:
2008: Obama (in 2006)
2012: Obama over Romney
2016: Trump’s map to beating Hillary
A new poll from the Democracy Insitute has President Trump winning big.
NEW POLL: Trump beating Biden NATIONALLY and in Key Battleground States
Trump 46
Biden 45
Express U.K:
The monthly Democracy Institute Sunday Express poll for the Presidential election shows that Mr Trump is still on course for victory with 46 percent of the popular support compared to his Democrat rival Joe Biden’s 45 percent.
However, his overall lead has dropped by two points since the last poll in September.
The poll was completed after the news broke that President Trump and his wife Melania have been infected by Covid-19.
I have to say that my gut reaction to what is going to happen in 2020 is the result of this poll. If you don’t pay attention to the Mainstream Media. If you don’t pay attention to the fake polls this is how you would predict the election.
The Palmieri Report is a Pro-America News Outlet founded by Jacob Palmieri two years ago at the age of 19. Since its founding, it has gotten over 2M pages views and over 20k followers. The Palmieri Report is dedicated to giving people the truth so that they can form their own informed political opinions.
But 68 percent said the illness would not affect their vote while 19 percent said they were “more likely” to support Trump and only 13 percent “less likely”.
Almost two thirds said they felt sympathy and concern for the President while 38 percent said him getting the disease was “karma” in an indication of the current divisive nature of US politics.
Crucially, Mr Trump’s lead in key swing states including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin remains at 4 percent by 47 percent 43 percent.
This gives a projected Electoral College split of 320 to Trump and 218 to Biden.
While other polls have Biden ahead, the Democracy Institute, which correctly predicted Brexit and Trump’s win in 2016, only considers people who identify as “likely voters” rather than all registered voters and also asks about the so called shy vote.
Trump also tweeted this poll out:
Trump 47
Biden 43