Anonymous ID: 41a72d Oct. 11, 2020, 7:03 p.m. No.11032341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11030330 (pb) Notable about coronavirus vaccine that would be administered with nasal spray.


I am aware of certain vaccines causing a person to "shed" apparently infectious pathogens. This is why recently vaccinated people who have received certain vaccines should not be around immunocompromised people. A case in point seems to occur with the only nasal flu vaccine that I am aware of: FluMist.


FluMist can cause the recipient to shed virus. So the vaccine recipient is potentially a "spreader" of flu as I understand it or at least a shedder of the "vaccine strain". Given the potential for mutations I'd wonder if this process can result in more infectious or dangerous viruses!


The screen capped table is from this insert:


The table does not say if the shed vaccine strain virus is infectious (complete/intact) but that is a potential, I would think.


My knowledge is limited here, but I'd hypothesize that there would be a concern for such events with a coronavirus nasal vaccine depending on the technology used.