Anonymous ID: 951b4f Oct. 11, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.11031644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1735 >>1892 >>2031 >>2169 >>2273 >>2314

Police Make Mass Arrest Overnight in Riot-Torn Portland Oregon


Police on Saturday night in Portland, Oregon, made a mass arrest of protesters, who they believed were planning a “direct action” event that threatened a policing center in the northern part of the city.


The police issued a press released about what took place on the 123rd day of almost nightly violence and destruction:


On Saturday, October 10, 2020 at about 9:30p.m., a gathering formed in Alberta Park, 1905 Northeast Killingsworth Street. The participants moved on sidewalks to North Precinct, 449 Northeast Emerson Street. When the group arrived, they were numbered at an estimated 75 people. Virtually all of them wore armor, helmets, masks, and/or carried shields and umbrellas.


North Precinct, an active community policing center operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, is a critical part of city infrastructure. It has been targeted numerous times over the past 130-plus nights by violent protests, including some that devolved into riots, arson fires, and violent attacks on officers. On numerous occasions, officers have attempted to deescalate by staying far back, and not intervening when streets were blocked by crowds. That strategy has not been successful in preventing violence from individuals in the crowd who are intent on forcing officers to respond.


The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) had information that the gathering was a planned “direct action” event. The crowd’s posture, including their armored attire, strongly suggested that this was planned to be another such event. PPB was also concerned about the safety of the protesters, who were clad in black and difficult to see, on a major thoroughfare that was open to vehicular traffic. Due to these concerns, and the fact there were resources in place to make arrests, action was taken earlier in this event than ones before.

Anonymous ID: 951b4f Oct. 11, 2020, 6:11 p.m. No.11031664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1672 >>1697 >>1892 >>2031 >>2273 >>2314

Kamala Harris Refused Death Penalty for Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Member Who Murdered Bologna Family


As San Francisco District Attorney, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) refused to seek the death penalty in one of the city’s most high-profile murder cases, where an illegal alien MS-13 gang member killed a father and two of his sons.


On June 22, 2008, 48-year-old Anthony Bologna and his three sons — 20-year-old Michael, 18-year-old Andrew, and 16-year-old Matthew — were driving home from a family barbeque in San Francisco, California, when illegal alien MS-13 gang member Edwin Ramos, driving alongside them, randomly opened fire.


Ramos killed Anthony, Michael, and Matthew in the shooting. Prosecutors said Ramos shot the Bolognas because he misidentified them as rival gang members who were involved in a gang murder that day.


The murder case rose to prominence as Harris, who is now Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s running mate, was San Francisco District Attorney. Harris later became California Attorney General.


Ramos, it was soon revealed, had been arrested and convicted on a number of previous violent crimes, but San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy shielded him from ever being turned over to federal immigration officials.


After Ramos was charged with three counts of murder, Angel Mom Danielle Bologna pleaded publicly with Harris to seek the death penalty. Harris had previously committed to never seek the death penalty as district attorney.


“The district attorney really needs to pay attention — she doesn’t have kids, she doesn’t know what this means,” Bologna told the San Francisco Gate at the time.


Bologna continued:


“Seeking the death penalty, this will make a statement so people won’t just kill families for no reason,” said Bologna, who is left to raise a son and daughter on her own. “They have the power to stop this. They have to stop with the excuses — this is not her family, this is my family.” [Emphasis added]


Violence in the city, Bologna said, “has gone too far. Nothing is getting done. Why did we put her here, if she is not going to stop this? This is huge. I have lost a husband and two kids.” [Emphasis added]


A year and three months after the Bologna murders, Harris announced that she would not seek the death penalty for Ramos despite overwhelming evidence — including a surviving eyewitness to the murders — of his premeditation in the case.


Angel Mom Danielle Bologna was devastated by the news.


“She feels that not only did she lose half her family, she lost her home because she was forced to move so she could protect the rest of her family,” a family spokesman said at the time. “With this decision, it will just never end.”


Instead of the death penalty, Ramos was sentenced to three life terms in prison without the possibility of parole in June 2012.


Harris’ opposition to the death penalty was thrown out when she sought the votes of California voters in her run for attorney general. After having been elected by saying she would enforce capital punishment, Harris defended the death penalty in court in 2014.


In the United States Senate, Harris has opposed the death penalty. Last year, she applauded California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) when he placed a moratorium on the state’s capital punishment laws.


Harris, in her statement, called the death penalty “immoral, discriminatory, ineffective, and a gross misuse of taxpayer dollars.”


Now, as Biden’s running mate, she and the former vice president’s agenda includes eliminating the death penalty altogether. On immigration, Biden and Harris have vowed a nationwide sanctuary policy that fights states and localities who committed to cooperating with federal immigration officials.

Anonymous ID: 951b4f Oct. 11, 2020, 6:12 p.m. No.11031686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1892 >>2031 >>2099 >>2273 >>2314

South Africa Sets Rules for Confiscating Land without Compensation from White Farmers


In December 2018 South African lawmakers passed a proposal to change the country’s constitution to make land grabs legal.

The government voted in agreement to take land from white farmers without compensation.


This same plan turned South Africa’s neighbor Zimbabwe from a state of plenty to a starving failed state.


The parliament sang before voting to take white-owned land without compensation.


The Star reported:


The country’s National Assembly approved a proposal to change the constitution to make the so-called reforms legal in a vote of 183 to 77.


This paves the way for land to be taken from farmers without giving any kind of compensation.


And now lawmakers have agreed to set up a committee that will write and introduce a new bill for land expropriations.


A deadline of the end of March next year for the committee to present its first report to parliament has also been agreed.


But there were heated scenes in the House when politicians clashed over the plans.


According to local reports, Economic Freedom Fighters MP Hlengiwe Mkhaliphi argued land grabs must go ahead as she declared: “Your time is up, white people”.


This came as the IFP MP Mkhuleko Hlengwa said the plans undermine South Africa’s position as a democratic state.


According to the Daily Maverick, he said: “To achieve real and effective land reform is (possible) under the existing Constitution, not your (ANC) populist agenda.


Now this…

On Sunday the South African government laid out rules for confiscating land without reimbursement.


This will likely cause a huge economic panic in the region.


Reuters reported:


South Africa’s government laid out conditions on Sunday for when land might be confiscated without reimbursement, saying a new law submitted to parliament would pass constitutional muster and reassure investors unnerved about property rights.


The law would allow land to be confiscated without reimbursement in certain cases if it is unused, abandoned or poses a safety risk, Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Patricia de Lille told a news conference.


But she emphasised that compensation would also be possible and final decisions would be in the hands of the courts.

Anonymous ID: 951b4f Oct. 11, 2020, 6:13 p.m. No.11031701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1892 >>2031 >>2273 >>2314

Turkish Air Force Continues Leading Azerbaijani Operations Over Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenia


The Turkish Air Force is still leading the aerial operations of Azerbaijan in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, Artsrun Hovhannisyan, a representative of the Armenian Defense Ministry, revealed on October 11.


Hovhannisyan claimed that a Turkish airborne command center is operating Turkish-made drones of the Azerbaijani Air Force over the region.


“Turkish aerial command centers, flying within the Turkish airspace, are commanding the Turkish UAV’s operating in the Azerbaijani air force. UAV’s, accompanied by six F-16 units, are directly attacking the peaceful population and civilian infrastructures of Artsakh,” Hovhannisyan wrote on Twitter.


In June, Azerbaijan’s Defence Minister, Zakir Hasanov, announced the purchase of a number of Bayraktar TB2 combat drones made by Turkey’s Baykar. The drones have been very active over Nagorno-Karabakh.


New satellite images revealed that Turkey deployed at least two F-16 fighter jets in Azerbaijan prior to the outbreak of the battle with Armenia. Ankara denied in the past any such deployment.


Hovhannisyan’s claims are yet to be verified. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that Turkey is playing an important role in the Azerbaijani attack on Nagorno-Karabakh.

Anonymous ID: 951b4f Oct. 11, 2020, 6:15 p.m. No.11031719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1892 >>2031 >>2197 >>2273 >>2284 >>2314

Joe Biden Hits Donald Trump for ‘Shutting Down’ Country over Coronavirus


Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden slammed President Donald Trump on Saturday for shutting down the economy, a move he himself said he would make if “scientists” recommended it.


Speaking to a reporter in Erie, Pennsylvania, Biden was asked if he would support a “nation-wide shutdown,” and he replied, “No, look, he’s the guy that shut it down,” referring to Trump.


“Let’s get this straight, he shut it down,” Biden said with disdain.


That is a reversal from August, when Biden told ABC News he would shut down the economy.


“I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists.”


Joe Biden tells @DavidMuir in an exclusive interview that as president, he would shut the country down to stop the spread of COVID-19 if the move was recommended by scientists.


— World News Tonight (@ABCWorldNews) August 23, 2020


World News Tonight anchor David Muir predicted coronavirus and the flu would “combine” in January.


“Would you be prepared to shut this country down again?” Muir asked.


Biden implied he would.


“So if the scientists say, ‘Shut it down’ ….” Muir continued.


“I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists,” Biden said.

Anonymous ID: 951b4f Oct. 11, 2020, 6:15 p.m. No.11031733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1892 >>2031 >>2273 >>2314

Videos From Hadrut Debunk Azerbaijani President’s Claim That Town Is Under Control Of His Forces


Claims of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev about the capture of the town of Hadrut in the Nagorno-Karabakh region from Armenian forces appeared to be fake.


Russian war journalists Semen Pegov and Alexander Kots visited the town, which remains close to the frontline between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces, and filmed a video evidence confirming that it remains in the hands of the Armenian side.


Meanwhile, the Azerbaijani top leadeship and Azerbaijani media still claim that the town is in the hands of Azerbaijan. According to pro-Armenian sources, Azerbaijani special forces (with the alleged support from Turkish-backed Syrian militants) once again tried to capture the town just a few hours before the start of the humanitarian ceasefire on October 10. Nonetheless, this attack was repelled by the Armenians.

Anonymous ID: 951b4f Oct. 11, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.11031754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1892 >>2031 >>2273 >>2314

Political Correctness Is Much More Harmful Than People Realize


A recent poll found that Political Correctness is extremely unpopular in America, even amongst moderates and independents, which got me thinking on the subject. There exists an old quote from a famed British psychiatrist by the name of Anthony Daniels regarding Political Correctness. It is the best quote I know of on the subject, and I have been mulling it over for some time, considering its meaning and its implications. The quote reads:


Political Correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.


When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed.


A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine Political Correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.


In this way, Political Correctness can be seen not only as a form of narrative control and truth suppression, but as a type of relentless bullying. Speech codes and persistent propaganda no one is even allowed to object to (like diversity worship or the fictions we constantly hear about human equality), reinforce society’s sense of powerlessness. If you can get people to assent to obvious lies, or better yet to repeat them, or better still to absorb them, which is to say to lie to themselves, there is virtually nothing you can’t make them do. You have broken the seal, as drinkers say.

Anonymous ID: 951b4f Oct. 11, 2020, 6:18 p.m. No.11031781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1892 >>2031 >>2273 >>2314

Is The Next "October Surprise" An Unexpected Moment Of Clarity?


Last weekend, in its Sunday Start note, Morgan Stanley raised some eyebrows across Wall Street when it global strategist Andrew Sheets suggested that the 2020 market cycle was actually quite "normal", with economic data leading risk assets, and that the recovery would continue in a "normal" way, with inflation expectations rising, yield curves steepening further, small caps continuing to outperform and defensive stocks have lagging (even as yields have remained range-bound). This is what Sheets concluded:


Twists and turns as the US election nears, the uncertainty regarding additional US fiscal stimulus, a rise in global COVID-19 cases and a still-unresolved Brexit saga all create significant uncertainty, and should keep markets volatile and range-bound over the next month. But amid that volatility, we maintain our central tendency – this cycle is more normal than appreciated, and should be treated as such until proven otherwise.'


Today, in yet another provocative piece this time from Morgan Stanley's head of US Public Policy, Michael Zezas, the bank makes another contrarian argument, namely that for all the confusion and anticipated turbulence over the upcoming election, traders - whipsawed by months of pandemics, trade conflicts, legislation, and elections - may instead be rewarded with a "brief moment of policy clarity giving investors a reprieve from the chaos of 2020" and offer them "some unexpected, and underpriced clarity."


To be sure, Morgan Stanley is not the first to suggest that the market is overly obsessing over the potential vol surge around the election as a result of it getting drawn out into a contested election: two weeks ago, Nomura's x-asset strategist Charlie McElligott recommended selling the "kink" in the Nov-Oct VIX spread…

Anonymous ID: 951b4f Oct. 11, 2020, 6:19 p.m. No.11031795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1868 >>1892 >>2031 >>2273 >>2314

Navalny’s ‘Novichok’ Hoax: Who are the Instigators?


From the start, the alleged Navalny poisoning was riddled with contradictions and should have raised eyebrows by every politician and journalist. Being discharged from the Charité Clinic in Berlin, Navalny went into attack mode against President Vladimir Putin. As it seems, this will be his role designed to him by the intelligence agencies. In a couple of days, the Navalny hype will be over. One can only blame Putin for the alleged poising once. If Navalny had the guts, he would return to his homeland and fight Putin politically.


The whole poisoning hoax stinks to high heaven. If Navalny would have been really poisoned, he and his companions, not to speak of all the other passengers in the plane, would have been poisoned too. None of them was. What a surprise? His “poisoning” was of the same sort as the one of the Spripals. There was nothing. Since their recuperation, they have disappeared. Are they still alive? The fooling of the public works only once, and the British MI5 has a long history of leading the public astray.


There are further inconsistencies in the case. Navalny’s backers even found water bottles in his apartment, which were allegedly also poisoned. How could they bring them openly to Germany? How could the whole Navalny entourage travel to Germany without any restrictions, especially under Corona restrictions? They could even go back and force. By the way, Navalny was apparently poisoned drinking a cup of tea before boarding a plane, which he would take him to Moscow. The plane had to make an emergency landing because Navalny started screaming on board. But the pictures of these incidents seemed staged and unrealistic.


The stop of Nord Stream 2 would damage not only German national interest but also the Russian one. Canceling the project, Germany would have to pay Billions of Euros compensation to the companies, and Germany would lose every credibility as a serious trade partner. Over a year, US President Donald Trump has been putting enormous pressure on the German government to cancel the project. Instead, Germany should buy expensive US fracking gas. If the Germans succumb to US blackmail, it will demonstrate to the world that Germany is still a US colony and not sovereign.


German foreign minister Heiko Maas cut the worse figure. He is the main agitator against Russia. Maas used his video speech at the United Nations to attack Russia to deliver “evidence” of the Navalny’s poisoning. Russia can’t contribute anything to it because Navalny wasn’t poisoned. Since Maas was appointed to his job, anti-Russian rhetoric increased. Together with other politicians from the Christian Democratic Party and the Greens, Germany follows a hostile policy towards Russia. The German side refused to answer three letters of Russia’s request to provide evidence of the “poisoning.” Maas seems to have a complex about his childish appearance. Perhaps that’s why he haves like a snip.


If Angela Merkel lets Maas go on like this, the German-Russian relationship will be completely screwed up. A long tradition, established by former Chancellor Willy Brandt and his adviser Egon Bahr will go down the drain. Only the US will profit from such a deterioration in relations.

Anonymous ID: 951b4f Oct. 11, 2020, 6:23 p.m. No.11031839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1847 >>1858 >>1863 >>1892 >>2031 >>2270 >>2273 >>2314

Protesters vandalise Australian PM's car


Prime Minister Scott Morrison was briefly trapped inside a University of Queensland building after protesters slinging red paint and tomatoes ambushed him.


About 50 protesters have assembled at the university's institute of bio-engineering and nanotechnology during the prime minister's visit.


Police officers have formed a barrier outside the building entrance where refugee activists carrying red paint and tomatoes are chanting"lock up Scomo".


Mr Morrison's motorcade has been vandalised and 9News understands he was briefly stuck inside the building.


Red paint was thrown against the glass doors and windows of the building.

Anonymous ID: 951b4f Oct. 11, 2020, 6:38 p.m. No.11032047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2273 >>2314

Swedish Police Official: Drug Crime Linked to 98 Per Cent of Bombings


Swedish police chief Sven Holgersson, who serves as area manager of the city of Helsingborg, has claimed that as many as 98 per cent of the bombings in the city are linked to drug trafficking.


Helsingborg has seen an average of one explosion per week from September of last year until February of 2020, and while the number of bombings has decreased since February, police are still finding problems with investigating and prosecuting those behind the bombings.


“I say that 98 per cent of the explosions are due to drugs and money. You start trading drugs and you owe money. If you don’t pay, it blows up,” Holgersson told Swedish broadcaster SVT earlier this week.


Helsingborg also saw one of the largest explosions in recent years in Sweden when a police station in the city was targetted with a bomb that caused destruction to the facade of the building in 2017.


The attack was labelled an attack on democracy by Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven at the time. “The bombing of a police station in Helsingborg is extremely serious. An attack on the police is, in the long run, an attack on our democracy,” he said.


Helsinborg is not the only city to see bombings and explosions recently. This week in the county of Jönköping, three men were arrested with one of the men not only having links to criminal gangs but was also found in possession of explosive material.


Last year, Ylva Ehrlin, an analyst at Sweden’s National Bomb Guard, spoke out about the wave of explosions saying, “We have ten million people in Sweden, but I have not found any equivalent of this level of explosions in any industrialised country.”


“What is dangerous is that the user of the explosives probably does not possess the knowledge of how dangerous they are and how sensitive the substances are,” she said.


In 2019, Sweden saw a total of at least 236 explosions and bombings, up from 163 incidents in 2018.

Anonymous ID: 951b4f Oct. 11, 2020, 6:47 p.m. No.11032156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2273 >>2314

The American Neo-conservatives: Who They Are, Their History, and Their Global Impact




Defining Characteristics

A Historical Perspective of the Neo-Conservative Movement and Its Agenda

Global Impact of Neo-Conservatism and the Ravages of War

An Overall Conclusion


Defining Characteristics


In discussing the Neo-Conservative movement [the adherents of which are commonly referred to as ‘Neo-cons’, which term will be used throughout this Paper to refer to them], it is useful and even necessary to identify its defining characteristics. This movement might also be referred to as a set of beliefs. Many believe that the Neo-cons have done untold damage to other countries and also to the US itself, bringing upon it the reputation of a country that destabilizes other countries not only through war, but by other means as well. These critics would perhaps prefer to describe the movement as one which, at its heart, has a destructive agenda inimical to the interests of the majority of the world’s population. A description of this movement and an identification of its objectives are especially necessary because as we will see in the next section, in course of time, changes have occurred in the focus and main beliefs among essentially three generations of Neo-cons. Unless otherwise stated, the focus of this Section will be on the beliefs and objectives of the second and third [the last including the current] generations of Neo-cons.


Anthropologist and author Wade Davis in an article titled Unravelling of America” [August 2020] has provided the following chilling facts regarding the USA’s propensity to promote wars and destabilize countries. The quotation below is explicable only by reference to the subject matter of my essay which makes clear why the USA has been persistently engaged I military adventures. Davis states:


The United States, virtually a demilitarized nation on the eve of the Second World War, never stood down in the wake of victory. To this day, American troops are deployed in 150 countries. Since the 1970s, China has not once gone to war; the US has not spent a day at peace. President Jimmy Carter recently noted that that in its 242 year history, America has enjoyed only 16 years of peace, making it, as he wrote, ‘the most war-like nation in the history of the world’. Since 2001, the US has spent over $6 trillion on military operations and war, money that might have been invested in the infrastructure at home. China, meanwhile, built its nation pouring more cement every three years than America did in the entire twentieth century.”


The basic beliefs and objectives of the Neo-cons could be said to consist of the following:


Since the Neo-con movement was originally initiated by a group of intellectuals mainly from the Jewish community in New York, the protection of Israel against its enemies represents a fundamental objective, even though at its inception the focus was on domestic issues. This objective has remained paramount to this day. The overwhelming majority of Neo-cons continues to be from the Jewish community, although everyone who has been influenced to give effect to the objectives of this movement has not necessarily been a Neo-con. Considering that the Jews are an amazingly gifted and intellectually brilliant people, it is not surprising that this small community has been able to exert such enormous influence in the US and to re-adapt their agenda from time to time to suit their objectives.


A unipolar world in which the US is supreme and there is no question of a balance of power. Therefore the rise of any rival power must be checked. The Neo-cons claim that unipolarity ensures world peace, and that the US does not seek to conquer and oppress, but rather to liberate and democratize.”


A policy of ensuring the supremacy of the USA as the world’s only super power. Destabilizing and ensuring a regime change even through military intervention, in a country which is perceived as posing a threat to the interests of the USA, or to the interests of Israel, has become a hallmark of the Neo-con movement.The Neo-cons believe in a convergence of the interests of the USA and Israel.


Full 21 pages in file!