Anonymous ID: d2114c Oct. 11, 2020, 6:23 p.m. No.11031838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1919



Don’t act like they don’t use deaths and actually odd people just for comms.


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Goldfinger, however, does not plan to torture Bond for information, just to kill him. Bond plays his last card, saying that he knows of Operation Grand Slam, as does 008. Goldfinger realizes that he should keep Bond alive so word of his plan doesn't leak. Bond is flown from Geneva to Goldfinger's stud farm near Fort Knox, Kentucky.

Anonymous ID: d2114c Oct. 11, 2020, 6:38 p.m. No.11032049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2109



Interesting. Made me think. Anons are working with very little info because we have never been presented the info and asked what we thought.


‘Ain’t cause we’s dumb, cleetus’


It hit me. Seeing this article. Not only was it a carefully played balancing act for “do it now” arrests and draining the swamp. POTUS has to play a, purposely, much longer chess game than anons realize for moar than we realize. POTUS moves his pieces around the board, knowing time on the clock, and fits in scooping up ancient relics and artifacts towards the beginning. What black hat was paying attention? They were worried about their own survival. Imagine what else POTUS retrieved throughout these moves. We know it was all the gold. Imagine all the physical objects that were collected because we knew they would be destroyed as pawns/sacrifice later. “Hostage”, if you will. Fun to ponder.