Anonymous ID: de94ed Oct. 11, 2020, 6:57 p.m. No.11032264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2271 >>2282 >>2333

Less than 23 days for something significant to happen.

Q if been permanently banned on twitter.

My last correspondence was my dying enjoy the incoming legal action.

Publicly traded companies should have regulation.

They act like a tyrannical government acting within the usa.

Fb Ive been banned over 36 times for speaking truth to lies.

I've made multiple accounts.

All banned.


Noko article brings up questions.

How did they escape the pandemic unscathed?

Who funded their newest firework?

How could they get the nuke?


Nothing will happen.

Less than 23 days

For the good guys to put points on the board.

Linking algorithm .via connections.