Anonymous ID: 2b98ed Social Guerrilla Information Warfare Oct. 11, 2020, 8:37 p.m. No.11033380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3396 >>3398 >>3418 >>3697 >>3800 >>3863 >>3906

It’s time for us to start taking the Offense. Gone are the days of letting Jack and Zuck suck the free speech from us. We must start the age of Social Guerrilla Warfare and support the Q team with brute force information warfare.


When all big social platforms are controlled by the opposition, how do you get through to the people?


We go around, flank them from the sides, the back, and any way we can. Forget trying to attack only front and center on Twitter, Facebook, or whatever. Find sites that allow you to communicate to many, without having too much effort, so that your reach is far and your labor is fruitfully multiplied.


The enemy does not have technology to stop us in these trenches, they control the big boxes but there is so much more than just the big 5 social platforms. Anons, we have grown so mighty, we have a mass that’s got to be much bigger than any of us know. I’m confident that we are numerous enough, that our mass can be wielded in this way that, if we band together to post on random sites where people go, we can spread the truth far and wide.


This is my first fragile attempt. Today my goal was to reach 10,000+ people. I think I got there.


You can help me finish today’s work by submitting up votes for my posts. You can also comment with truth and help feel this corporate America truth bomb, bullets of compassion, and arrow of knowledge.


Let’s us fight Anons, fight anywhere we can.




A & B:

C & D:

E & F:

G & H:

I - L:

Anonymous ID: 2b98ed Oct. 11, 2020, 8:48 p.m. No.11033489   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Damn! It’s possible with many. But clearly I am being blocked!


But the concept is powerful if it’s used. It’s simple, you simply go out to non traditional areas and post up links to info.


Just have to find places where it is one post to reach the many. But clearly I need to randomize my IP address to thwart.