Anonymous ID: 2f0275 Oct. 11, 2020, 8:35 p.m. No.11033358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3559

Hope this isn't a distraction, but I wouldn't be posting it if I really thought it was.


I have been thinking a lot about "comms", communicating with an intended recipient without surveillance or interference from bad actors.


A lot of things we accomplish with technology seem to have been done by Jesus or other Biblical figures without obvious technology. How did the water get turned into wine in Jesus' first miracle? How did he "see" events apparently remotely? How did a few Bible figures disappear in one place and turn up in another or else travel supernaturally fast?


This applies to communication as well.


The capped scripture is excellent, but I have long been interested in what Paul had to say about his spirit being present even though his body was not. How did the believers know that Paul's spirit was with them in his absence? Obviously, the power of God through Jesus was present, but what does it mean that Paul's spirit was apparently also present? I am asking all this because I don't have all the answers, but I know that all human tech is "hackable" plus it is very possible to lose access to it.


History is full of examples of people supernaturally knowing things they "shouldn't" have been able to. I think this can happen due to the power of God, but sadly the demonic realm can mimic this.


Have people "lost" abilities due to relentless deception and toxicity?


Whatever happens in the days and months to come, whether the internet remains available or not, I will be believing that those who love God through Jesus will remain in unity, knowing through Him all we need to about what is happening to us and those we love.

Anonymous ID: 2f0275 Oct. 11, 2020, 8:55 p.m. No.11033549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3800 >>3863 >>3906



The money to Iran was mentioned. When did money start flowing to Iran?


I found this rather odd page that is a .gov but specifically for "obamawhitehouse" which seems strange.


The page is like "vaccine science" in that relatively meaningless "benefits" are touted like they are worth so much. Specifically, delaying Iran's ability to gather the fissile material for a nuclear weapon from a time frame of 2-3 months to a year, still would mean Iran could be nuclear IN A YEAR.

Anonymous ID: 2f0275 Oct. 11, 2020, 9:09 p.m. No.11033679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3701 >>3723 >>3863 >>3906



Contributing to the genocide is the vaccine pogrom which was also assisted (though maybe unintentionally) by Reagan. In 1986 a bill sponsored by Henry Waxman was passed and signed by Ronald Reagan which gave pharmaceutical companies and doctors administering vaccines blanket immunity from civil lawsuits for vaccine injuries. Most people don't know about "vaccine court" which was supposed to quickly resolve (at taxpayer expense) claims of vaccine injury, but is getting overwhelmed and puts people in an adversarial position with their own government when they or their children are harmed. Btw, it seems that only about 1% of injuries are submitted to VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting). Without submitting a VAERS report I don't think a person can even get to "vaccine court" for any compensation whatsoever. Disgusting.