Anonymous ID: 546aba Oct. 11, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.11033817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3824 >>3836 >>3851 >>3853 >>3880 >>3882 >>3886 >>3888



Shilling has intensified and will continue at least through the election. To any newfags here, listen up. There are demoralization shills ("nothing's getting done" "where are the arrests" and other generalities). Remember POTUS managed to outmaneuver [them] to get elected, NXIVM/Bronfmans, Epstein, Gmax, Weinstein trafficking network leaders in jail or worse, immune to impeachment, Russia hoax, etc, MSM discredited along with Hollywood, NBA, NFL etc. So Q/Q+ have been able to accomplish a lot and will be accomplishing a lot more. Other shills are sliding off topic with irrelevant to research questions and statements. Others are trying to create anger by using foul language, yet others spam irrelevant pics. Let's stay focused and keep doing what we're doing. If so many shills and vitriol from the MSM are focused on qr, we must be doing something right. Ans, again, don't let demoralization shills get to you.

Anonymous ID: 546aba Oct. 11, 2020, 9:36 p.m. No.11033867   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That's an option but you could also do things like run for office if you are so inclined, like Marjorie Taylor Greene and many others, at the local and national level. As the rot is gradually getting removed, patriots will have to fill in those positions, from government to teaching, military, law enforcement, medicine, science and tech and pretty much every other sector of society. If Q/Q+ could eradicate evil in one swoop, they would have done it. It is obvious that it is not easy.

Anonymous ID: 546aba Oct. 11, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.11034012   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As per the newb page, everyone here is metaphysically male, but for those who are biologically male, don't listen to this nonsense about men being afraid of chasing women. Keep chasing.