Anonymous ID: c5d2dc Oct. 11, 2020, 9:36 p.m. No.11033864   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3928


>how will we feed everyone


You go look into how many acres of land are currently leased by the Gov to NOT farm it and instead make bird habitat or whatever. Look at how much money is poured into that shit at county, state, national levels. Then look into subsidies and crop insurances… I watch farmers grow pumpkins in my area. They grow these things, never harvest them, chop them up and till them in. How the fuck can you afford to do that for a whole season? Then it hit me… They just take the crop insurance and use them as a soil ammendment. They are getting paid to fertilize their soil with pumpkins. They are never harvested just tilled in. THere is even a machine that chops them up. This machine looks well-worn and there is no harvest machine.


Food is easy. Its gov regulations and jews and bullshit that causes famine.