It's clear that Nancy Pelosi does not have the mental fitness to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives. I'm introducing a resolution to push for her removal.
It's clear that Nancy Pelosi does not have the mental fitness to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives. I'm introducing a resolution to push for her removal.
That would be something..thinking just about all of America would jump to sign off on that!
Additional information on Matthew Robert Dolloff
Tayler Hansen
Didn't see this in provides additional pieces of information that we my not have here.
Team investigating deadly Calif. fire seizes PG&E equipment
SAN JOSE, Calif. – Fire investigators looking into what caused a wildfire that killed four people in far Northern California have taken possession of equipment belonging to Pacific Gas and Electric, the utility has reported. PG&E said in a filing Friday with the Public Utilities Commission that investigators with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection seized some of its electrical equipment near where the Zogg Fire started Sept. 27. The fire erupted in Shasta County during high winds and quickly grew, killing four people in the community of Igo, population 600. It later spread to neighboring Tehama County. As of Friday, it had scorched 88 square miles (nearly 228 square kilometers) and destroyed more than 200 buildings, about half of them homes. It was almost fully contained. The utility said it does not have access to the evidence collected by Cal Fire, which has yet to determine a cause for the fire.
PG&E, the nation’s largest utility, recently emerged from bankruptcy stemming from financial fallout from several devastating wildfires caused by its utility equipment that killed more than 100 people and destroyed more than 27,000 homes and other buildings in 2017 and 2018. Customers in the area where the fire started, near Zogg Mine Road and Jenny Bird Lane north of Igo, are served by a 12,000-volt PG&E circuit. On the day the Zogg Fire began, the utility’s automated equipment in the area “reported alarms and other activity between approximately 2:40 p.m. and 3:06 p.m.,” PG&E told regulators. The line was then de-activated. The Shasta County Sheriff’s Office identified one of the victims as Alaina Michelle Rowe, 45, who was found dead along a road on Sept. 28. The sheriff’s department said another victim was a minor but did not report the identity. KRCR-TV in Redding reported that Rowe and her eight-year-old daughter Feyla died as they tried to escape the fire.
In June, Pacific Gas & Electric confessed Tuesday to killing 84 people in one of the most devastating wildfires in recent U.S. history during a dramatic court hearing punctuated by a promise from the company’s outgoing CEO that the nation’s largest utility will never again put profits ahead of safety. PG&E CEO Bill Johnson pleaded guilty to 84 felony counts of involuntary manslaughter stemming from a November 2018 wildfire ignited by the utility’s crumbling electrical grid. The blaze nearly wiped out the entire town of Paradise and drove PG&E into bankruptcy early last year.
Coup Plotters Considered Never Allowing Trump To Be Inaugurated
An exclusive report based on a senior Department of Defense official’s account – the coup plotters considered never transferring power to the President-elect of the United States of America. Recent revelations, including the declassification of key documents, have effectively ended any speculation about what really transpired in 2016 and 2017 in regard to Donald Trump and spurious allegations of Russian collusion. The story was a fabrication. None of it was ever true. There really was a conspiracy, and we really did witness the first attempted coup in American history. Information uncovered within the last few days by AND Magazine adds significantly to our understanding of the scope of the conspiracy and suggests strongly that subsequent to the election of Donald Trump there was serious consideration given to simply not transferring power to the President-Elect. According to a former senior Department of Defense official interviewed by AND Magazine, in the wake of Donald Trump’s “surprise” victory in November 2016, a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) was rushed through pushing the false Russian collusion narrative and asserting as the judgment of the Intelligence Community as a whole that the Russians had not only interfered in the election but had done so in order to assist Donald Trump and help him become President. We have known for some time that this NIE was drafted, what we now know is considerably more about the highly unusual way in which it was drafted.
An NIE is supposed to represent the consensus of the Intelligence Community (IC). It is created in a lengthy collaborative process involving working-level analysts and experts. Only when the final version is effectively agreed upon and hammered out, does the document make is way to agency heads for final approval. Such was not the case with this NIE. According to the senior official interviewed, this NIE was written by CIA Director Brennan, FBI Director Comey, and DNI Clapper. All work on the NIE was done at the Top Secret level with only a handful of individuals having access to what was written. Objections to the conclusions reached were dismissed summarily on the basis that Mr. Brennan, Mr. Comey, and Mr. Clapper had personally written the NIE findings and recommendations and would handle all inter-agency input themselves. In short, the conclusions had been preordained. There was no room for discussion.
Circa November 10, 2016, the senior official speaking to AND Magazine received a phone call in his office at the Pentagon on a secure phone. The call was from the Department of Defense Under-Secretary’s office that coordinated attendance and participation in inter-agency meetings at the White House. The call concerned planning for a short fuse, inter-agency meeting at the White House. It was explained that a new committee was being formed to finalize and establish the timeline and storyline connecting Russia with the election of President Trump. The senior official speaking to AND Magazine had been named to be part of this new committee. During this phone call, it was explained to AND’s source that one of the committee’s taskings was to develop a plan to delay and/or reschedule the inauguration. While the official to whom the call was made ultimately deliberately avoided attending committee meetings, he did see subsequent Top Secret email traffic that showed significant inter-agency discussion of the possibility of not proceeding as scheduled with the transfer of power. At some point, this idea appears to have been dropped in favor of proceeding with the strategy of creating an impeachment narrative, but for months apparently there was significant discussion of the possibility of simply not handing over the Presidency to Donald Trump.