The people reporting the news sound hysterical.
The Catholic Church was created by non believing Constantine to calm the masses.
The generals you thought were cool are now never Trumpers.
Why did Trump hire so many deep state people into his administration?
Were his counsel fucking him?
I thought this was a plan?
Covid is a bad flueโฆ. Covid could kill 2 million peopleโฆ.
Stop fucking around! Tell the truth or get out of the way!
There is no plan. People liked Trump so they voted for him. many will. vote for him again.
If there was a plan it was created by retards because it hurts everyone.
Sure but don't hire them.
Q does work for the Trump administration.
Clearly there is no plan.
I will still vote for Trump because he's better than the alternative.
One Million dollars makes you immune from prosecution OJ proved that.
Mace not murder.
Most pedophiles aren't famous most are like you.
Q is a get out the vote campaign.
Not a military exercise.