Only the last poll before the election matters for credibility, because that's the only one looked at later. The previous polls are mainly propaganda.
Exactly why Durham is just another DOJ failure. The People have a right to know about treasonous activity, it's not at govt option.
Pindar is my guess.
Some will go down in the election.
Mueller didnt pussyfoot around, he arrested a bunch of people for almost nothing. Seems like Durham might have labored forth more than one indictment by now after 18 months. Weak. Unimpressive to say the least.
Prior to the 1990 census, America was always 85-90% white. It is now about 65% white.
Yeah, I practiced law for 3 decades and hired and fired many lawyers during that period. I still do. You havent done anything in the legal field. Mueller had no problem locking many people up for almost nothing. Go back to community college, nobody wants your ignorant lecturing.
If Barr is so great, why was he CIA and originally appointed by Bush Sr., one of the very worst residents in our lifetimes, if not in all time? Why have there been very few deep state arrest during his 2 years in the office? Unimpressive to say the least.
Implausible. There would be numerous leaks, because there are thousands of court personnel nationwide. There's no point in sealing indictments for 3-4 years, not logical at all.
About 30 years ago.
Amy will be confirmed in short order.
These 2 should be fired for starters.
Some are so brainwashed with hope porn, they dotneven believe what they know is true.
You mean like now, right?
Al's mom?
Agree. Demoncrats need to be eliminated. The govt needs to do its job.
I've seen the masktards in my town nearly get hit by cars as they dodge out into the street when I'm walking by without mask. Dont their masks protect them?
I voted for Rawn Paw in '12, just cast my first vote for Trump, although I'm extremely disappointed by his lack of action against the deep staters who ran down the country for 30 years.
Early Masktardist Michael Jackson and protege.
Will CO go red?
Creepy Joe wont live to face justice.
Show me where the federal police agencies are authorized. I'll wait.
I guess rioting and escaping is a major life accomplishment for these fucktards.
No police = No 2A infringements
It's TWATTER, you moran.
Yeah, Congress has really fabricated a lot of fake govt out of that. All a lie supported by SCOTUS.