Anonymous ID: 03fe89 Oct. 12, 2020, 3:37 a.m. No.11035533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

pb notable >>11034590 Coup Plotters Considered Never Allowing Trump To Be Inaugurated


'ONLY anons know this, no one outside Qs autists has shed light on delegate recount scam

Q36- (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).


Supreme Court opinion by Kagan on 7-7-20 mentioned it, that was a Q proof and the only mention outside Q that had relevance to support.


Here was the Plan and MF entrapment was the key, and likely the only PLAN for MF set up at that point, this can be assumed because after the public election they kept MF open and idle, BUT PS closed it late Dec. after the electoral college delegates voted and the scheme failed, so the primary goal of MF was no longer needed. Had the SC and Obstruction scheme been planned w/MF as a part PS never would have closed it, the SC backup plan likely was contrived Jan 3 or so, as PS ordered MF reactivated on Jan 4 and WH mtg was Jan 5.


They had such confidence in the DRS (del recount scam) that they likely had no back up plans (except 187) after Potus won, but they reopened MF and went for Potus collusion including going after family.


1- Dirty up MF and DJT w/leaks claiming collusion w/Russia. JB alters ICA and claims Russia wanted only Potus in, manipulate IC and claim all 17 agencies agree. Set up players like PM, RS, GP, etc. to involve and later frame w/fake intel.

2- Potus wins election, but DJT truly elected via Delegates early Dec.

3- BHO National Address to Country claims IC uncovered that DJT, Russia, MF etal. rigged election in certain swing states. BHO constitutional crisis and calls on electoral college delegates to be faithless based on (fake) IC claims and deny Potus electoral college majority.

4- Key was to keep the Coup against Potus out of the courts, use manipulated public opinion which has no due process.

5- Potus denied majority so by law the house of representatives under GOP P Ryan votes for HRC.

6- A bipartisan coup with no due process afforded Potus, etc.