Anonymous ID: 191c75 Oct. 12, 2020, 2:02 a.m. No.11035141   🗄️.is 🔗kun


l was in an ER twice last week. People told me they are always slammed. Right after march lockdown, no on came, ghost town, l was told.


Last week they were a steady flow about 40 patients were in rooms or waiting in the hallways for a room in ER.


This is the stranger part. Wednesday, the coffee shop said were are open everyday til 9pm.


Saturday 3-5 pm The coffee shop was closed in the Hospital, the entrance was empty except for two check temp at the door, So l b

ventured to the cafeteria. one employee, no hot food or selections to be seen. i bought coffee and saw one other customer, only one. l saw one other at the elevators.


What do you make of that?


Ghost town.

Anonymous ID: 191c75 Oct. 12, 2020, 2:15 a.m. No.11035191   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Some thoughts on "the plan"

>Matthew 20:16

>So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

>Q said biblical. Combine this with "combat tactics Dr. Ryan" and you have basically the whole plan in a nutshell.

>Watch world events in the next few days. Mainly UK and Australia. They have purposefully pushed their populations to the breaking point. While the whole world has been focused on what Q team is doing here the Muslim Brotherhood and China have lost their footholds into the west.

>The UK (MBHD foothold) is about to enter even more draconian lockdowns than they have seen in the past. The population is wide awake and will overthrow the entire govt before being pushed further.

>In Australia (China foothold) they're entering elections yet the govt is ramping up lockdowns and censorship to levels never before scene. By doing so the incumbents are all but ensuring total absolute defeat.

>Q has said US will be the first domino. Now think mirror. The last shall be first and first last. "Biblical." By using combat tactics and turning into the coming torpedo POTUS has brought all the cabals focus here thereby ensuring victory. It was over before it began.

>Look there, or [here], or there

>Sorry my fellow Americans but we once again have taken a backseat to the rest of the world.

>I'm upset at this but it's Fucking brilliant and the irony of all ironies.

>Proof that God has a sense of humor.

>Enjoy the show. Our turn is coming soon.


What do you say about 'Saving Israel for Last?'