Anonymous ID: 22a170 Oct. 12, 2020, 2:21 a.m. No.11035219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5244


UK Anon here. There are certain areas of the country where people are hard and take no crap. London, for the most part is soft.


Lockdowns are coming to the North - most likely Liverpool and Tyneside. I chatted with a Newcastle anon a few months ago on this board, as I'd heard from a guy I met that when lockdown started, Newcastle was basically functioning as normal, but behind closed doors. Newcastle anon confirmed this. Said the police were not enforcing rules, pubs were holding lock-ins and house parties were as normal.


We're at the nonsense stage now where increased testing with dodgy test kits is finding more cases. But the death count is low. In an attempt to get it up, the UK government will be combining weekly death figures for Covid & seasonal flu going forward. Talk about frigging the figures!


To repeat: they are going to attempt to lockdown the North.


I'm from the North. My dad brought me up to look out for myself, have a healthy disregard for stupid laws and always be suspicious of authority figures. This was a normal upbringing. All power to Newcastle and Liverpool. The mass dissent begins there.