ThanQ Baker
I understand party loyalty but if my party ever tried to offer up a candidate like Biden, I'd walk away from it in a heart beat.
Does Matthew Robert Doloff have a license at all for a weapon?
They just keep reporting he's not licensed in Denver.
Nothing much yet. This was published an hour ago
'He just thinks about himself': America's reckless, ill president
Still going on about the President getting sick
Wouldn't it have been much simpler if Buzz swore on the bible that he walked on the moon?
That's what I would have done and then autograph his bible.
That might and should be in the notables already. I posted it during day shift yesterday and I think others have.
But anyway, yeah I like how they wait until just a few weeks before the election to tell everyone this. They think Biden will win and Biden can use that to stop the lockdowns. Exactly as planned. Bunch of fucking corrupt bastards.
>The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it.”
I mean you've got to be fucking kidding me waiting until now. They all need to be hung.
Yeah the remake. When it came out, I was like oh come on another remake. Wish they'd knock it off with remaking things.
In 1961 Biden was 19.
“My dad [Joseph Biden Sr.] dropped me off at the town square. And there were two men in suits standing on the corner and the light was red and they kissed as I was getting out of the car,” Biden says.
“I looked back at my dad because I hadn’t seen that before and he said, ‘It’s simple Joe. They love each other.’ ”
If anyone believes that tail, I've got a bridge to sell 'em.
Yup that's why I was bringing it up
Biden is trying to make it sound like he was ta major player in pro gay rights
For a lot of LGBTQ+ Americans, Joe Biden is the man who fueled the marriage equality movement in its final stretch. His 2012 announcement that he supported same-sex marriage forced President Barack Obama to publicly endorse marriage equality ahead of his reelection campaign. The nation ostensibly followed suit.
Hilary Clinton all over again
California’s latest K–12 test scores were released earlier this month. Despite spending 26 percent more per pupil after inflation since 2011, test scores remain low, and improvement is proceeding at a glacial pace. Just 40 percent of California schoolchildren are proficient at math. What should be done? Seattle’s idea is to teach their students that US math education is racist, is used to oppress people of color and the disadvantaged, and has been used to exploit natural resources.
According to Seattle educators, math instruction in the United States is an example of “Western Math,” which apparently is the appropriation of mathematical knowledge by Western cultures. While everyone agrees that two plus two is four, three times three is nine, and that there are three hundred and sixty degrees in a circle, Western Math critics worry about more nuanced issues, such as why we teach kids Western counting and not, for example, how the Aborigines count.
Students will be taught how “Western Math” is used as a tool of power and oppression, and that it disenfranchises people and communities of color. They will be taught that “Western Math” limits economic opportunities for people of color. They will be taught that mathematics knowledge has been withheld from people of color.
Just how bad is California’s student math performance? You can judge for yourself, based on the following question that was asked to 11th graders: Add the square root of 16 and the third root of 8.
The square root of 16 is 4 (4 x 4) and the third root of 8 is 2 (2 x 2 x 2). Four plus two is six. Doable for a 17-year old who has been taking mathematics, yes?
No. Only about 37 percent of students answered the question correctly. This percentage is not much above 25 percent, which would have been the number of correct answers if students had simply randomly guessed from the four possible answers provided. We had better either improve math education pronto or start to recruit better-trained students to the state.
Trump isn't a politician. He's just a citizen like the rest of us who got fed up with lifelong politicians.
Pity these swamp media journalists don't give a hard investigative look at the Clinton foundation and other Clinton organizations as they are with the Trump taxes.
October 12, 2020, 5:51 AM
Israeli government approves normalization deal with UAE
The Israeli government has unanimously approved the country’s recently signed normalization agreement with the United Arab Emirates ahead of ratification by parliament
Swamp media news is slowly waking up
Trump at his finest.
That's how Trump should be for the next 2 weeks. Get 'em against the ropes and keep pounding.
>QAnon is tearing families apart
Running with that old story? Have they run out of ideas.
SunSunday 23 AugAugust 2020
How the QAnon conspiracy theory is tearing family and friends apart in Australia
I just realized.Weird the article on google's listing has 9/14/2020
but the article is dated Oct. 12, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. UTC
BTW here's the archive link for that wapo article