The "far left" and "far right" archetypes are projections - holographic molds fashioned into what 'the proverbial they' want us to behave like so as to conform to their plan.
I have met very few racist people - I have met people who were very hard on certain races with a bad reputation or cultural trends - but I have seen very few people go true opportunity-smashing oppressive racist. The closest people I see to that are certain varieties of oligarchs who believe the world should belong to them and everyone else is an obstacle. So it's less racism as it is "not-me-ism" (say it fast enough and it sounds like nazis - how fun!)
The far left is easier to realize because it exploits the desire for compassionate cause and entertaining everything different. IE - it appeals to the overly emotional and overly analytical. I could, for example, propose situations to you where an adult man and, say, a 12 year old girl could develop a healthy romance. But this is silly as the taboo of pedophilia is not meant to address genuine compassion for someone who is younger, but because the men hanging out to walk middle school girls home are not doing so out of any healthy sense of love or compassion. (And if you truly love someone, you're going to try and avoid taking advantage of their youth and allow them to develop into an adult).
The far left loves "deconstructing" everything endlessly. "Two apples and two shoes don't make four pairs of hats - so 2+2 doesn't always equal four!" It's a rampant and vapid exercise in mental gymnastics that suit individuals like myself who have no practical outlet or suitable vice to quench or dull their appetite.
Most people - when you can sit them down in front of a defined, real, scenario that they can see unfold before their eyes, will be in general agreement as to what is right and wrong. The main difference is that the young will trend toward totalitarian resolve to destroy anything seen as wrong while the older and wiser will trend toward "you don't need to turn the guy into a grease stain because he fucked up once - we'd all be dead."
The people who create the far left and the far right do so by distorting the perception of reality such that normal people 'slide' one way or another.
We all generally agree on religious freedom - but if you present a religion to one group as being the truth and light and to another as being an insidious coup…. Where does the truth sit and how can those two groups come to an even remotely agreeable stance on the religion?