Anonymous ID: 162bd2 Oct. 12, 2020, 6:45 a.m. No.11036654   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just a reminder-

If the all cause mortality is the same, then either the virus is a joke, or it is real but just as many are dying from the lockdowns. Of course if you could actually show these stats to people with CDC sources, the left and the lockdowns would end, and Trump would be guaranteed reelection.


I tried to find the simple death counts for 2019 and 2020 on the CDC website you cited but I couldn't. I'm sure if I spent a few hours there I could find out how many people actually died in 2019 and 2020, but I, like everyone else, am not going to do that. Trump and you are absolutely pathetic losers for not having this data clear and readily accessible, and for failing to discuss it at every press conference and rally. This data should be on the White House website in readily shareable format. It should have been distributed to friendly news outlets and social media. What low IQ fucking losers you are. This is why the educated crowd believes in global warming, and that everyone is going to die from COVID. You have absolutely failed to show convincing stats or run alternative peer reviewed studies on anything. You come across as christcuck faggots with no college, which is why the left wins.