Anonymous ID: 624f30 Oct. 12, 2020, 7:07 a.m. No.11036887   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11030259 PB #14108

Patriot, you have served your country well and with honor. As a civilian, I offer you my deepest and most sincere gratitude for your willingness to sacrifice everything for US. It is a debt that is impossible to repay.


Over our great history, we as a country asked and Patriots like yourself answered the call to serve and protect this country against foreign enemies who forever seek our destruction.

The fight now has turned inward. The "Enemy Within" who has for decades, lurked in the shadows planning, scheming, implementing the inward destruction of this nation, have now exposed themselves for the tyranny and abject evil they worship. We too, took that oath to defend this Republic in whatever way we possibly can even if it means peril. We will not go gently into that dark night fore we stand on the side of righteousness and on the right side of our great history. Little if anything has ever been asked of civilians in the service of this great Republic. Certainly not in the manner for which we asked you to defend US with your life. And you did just that. Many gave their life and that too weighs heavily on our national soul and is a debt that can never be repaid.


Our POTUS Donald J. Trump, like you, is a hardened warrior for good, right and morality. We stand with him and other like minded Patriots and will fight to the death for these foundational principles. Your efforts, your sacrifices and those of your brethren will not have been cast to the wind nor given in vain.


You sir, rest, nurture your faith, heal your mind and tend to your family. It is our turn now and we pledge to you from the depths of our soul, We, the People, the right minded people who love our nation and those who served it, will not allow those who seek our demise, to prevail. We've got this Patriot.


God Bless you and my God Bless our United States of America.


Anonymous ID: 624f30 Oct. 12, 2020, 7:24 a.m. No.11037069   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He's the UFC Patriot that was on F&F Sunday. He tore the communist democrats a new fucking ass. His family is from Cuba. American Patriot!!!!

To you Sir!!!
