Anonymous ID: 2b5f9e Oct. 12, 2020, 7:40 a.m. No.11037236   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11034878 pb

Carnelian rings


Sufi wear them and the mystical branch talk to jinn aka daemons


This page on Gardner (father of modern witchcraft) is well worth the read. It ties so many of our digs together. Like Freemasons, Islam, and occult

“Gardner, who took a particular interest in the kris, a ritual knife with magical uses”


“On May Day 1947, Gardner's friend Arnold Crowther introduced him to Aleister Crowley, the ceremonial magician who had founded the religion of Thelema in 1904”


“Gardner and his wife toured the United States visiting relatives in Memphis, also visiting New Orleans, where Gardner hoped to learn about Voodo“


“In 1960, Gardner's official biography, entitled Gerald Gardner: Witch, was published. It was written by a friend of his, the Sufi mystic Idries Shah”


“Shah came to be recognized as a spokesman for Sufism in the West and lectured as a visiting professor at a number of Western universities.”


“Shah was an early member and supporter of the Club of Rome”


Also related…


“An aqiq ring also has religious importance in Islam as it is considered sunnah to wear one. The prophet Muhammad wore a carnelian / aqiq ring set with silver on his right hand as a commemoration of the removal of idols from the Grand Mosque in Mecca in 630 CE. To this day many Muslims do the same, including both Shia and Sunni clergy.”