ohman, anons
if CNN gets some sort of golden parachute out of their destruction, i will have to retire to the woods. wtf is going on with the merger process? CNN HAS TO be dealt with, ASAP. it's a cancer in your whole Plan.
ohman, anons
if CNN gets some sort of golden parachute out of their destruction, i will have to retire to the woods. wtf is going on with the merger process? CNN HAS TO be dealt with, ASAP. it's a cancer in your whole Plan.
tho, to be fair, MSLSD is probably even worse now and ruins far more minds than CNN
yeah, this was never about supporting retards just because they're R.
AJ acts more and more like a clown who is trying to poison the well. but it's tough to reconcile because AJ has carried the ember of 9/11 truth for so long. limited hangout? he's one tricky fucker, any way you cut it.
plus, personally, i don't care for roger stone. he is also too cartoonish for me, geezer looks like the superjail warden or something. stone also worships nixon up front, which isn't the biggest help right now.
latest celeb blinds say epstein has been hit w search warrant
the boston "event" is just as sloppy, if not worse. problem being, you have to get past the sick, fake gore pics they released (to scare people away from looking too closely at all the problems). focus on carlos arredondo (sp?) and jeff baumann and it all falls apart.
plus, i always liked the finish line footage where you can see an entire section of "damaged" flags which are clearly not being blown by fans like the others. they forgot to rig a whole section!!
i prefer something in the middle like, "LIBKUNTS cry out in pain…"
if you want to mess with normies using SH, show them the three very tight dual actor comparisons. 'sloppy sniper' is the latest, but we took research really far a couple years ago and found that both dawn hochsprung and nancy lanza were fabricated using assets who are currently alive! mary maloney and annie haddad should get you stared down that road…
paulstalservice vids on YT, but he has been shut down several times through the years. unsure which vids still exist on YT…