bisexual shitposters loaf larpers mold
microwaved sexual jewbeefs
darpa gaylord bacons of cananda
polyester hams bearing false gases
proof anderson cooper is too homo to solve teh puzzle
yo mean
all this jewbeef need thauce ?
"gay" marriage for hobbits that are not "gay"
hobbits steal ufo
daniel has betrayed mankind before
and is totally infatuated with teh walrus jew
and tehy can;t call themselves "gay"openly
carpenter and a walrus and a doorknob
hivette is dumb
"disneyland whine"
at least this babeling babylon depraved faggot spectre thinks its hypnotizing
hivette own brother ghosted that skonka in a ravine
are we in depraved stalker crack whore ex girlfriend fantasyland
he said it was like shooting himself
"david nunez anusgehys" ~karl marx
tiresia is hivette positive
yuge dookie of gold came from teh sky and preached in teh fake jew homo taxes tendies
"depraved trannywhore fakes the straight cynically for jew lies" revelation 3:9
y are you not tossing fauci taint
assertive homo authority
those could have been hooker shekels
get your fortran tattoos registered
bigly squanto holiday approaches
ripe joosy gaylord fagactor
can we sacrifice our false homo to these griefmongering anxiety gods of spam ?