Anonymous ID: f85c86 Oct. 12, 2020, 3:37 p.m. No.11042687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2707 >>2936 >>3063 >>3173 >>3316 >>3346

VOTE BIDEN GET ‘CROOKED’: Hillary Auditions for SecDef in 5000-Word Pro-Biden Article Which Admits Massive Defense Jobs Cuts Plan


Former Secretary of State, U.S. Senator, and Benghazi belittler Hillary Clinton has penned a 5000-word opinion editorial for Foreign Affairs magazine – a scarcely-read yet important foreign policy industry publication. The article clearly aims to establish Clinton as a potential Biden pick for Secretary of Defense: one of the most powerful cabinet positions in the U.S. government.


The Trump campaign will surely see the audition by the very unpopular Hillary Clinton as a gift in the final days of the U.S. Presidential campaign. The idea of voting for Joe Biden and waking up with Hillary Clinton will send chills up the spine of even many Democrats, to whom both Clinton and Biden represent an old, tired, globalist worldview at odds with a “progressive” or even populist Democrat trajectory.


And Clinton appears to know this, too.


Her article contains a number of veiled mea culpas over globalism, though she repeatedly lumps the blame at Donald Trump’s door for many of the problems caused – in a national security sense – by his predecessors:


“For decades, policymakers have thought too narrowly about national security and failed to internalize—or fund—a broader approach that encompasses threats not just from intercontinental ballistic missiles and insurgencies but also from cyberattacks, viruses, carbon emissions, online propaganda, and shifting supply chains. There is no more poignant example than the current administration’s failure to grasp that a tourist carrying home a virus can be as dangerous as a terrorist planting a pathogen. President Barack Obama’s national security staff left a 69-page playbook for responding to pandemics, but President Donald Trump’s team ignored it, focusing instead on the threat of bioterrorism.”


The article even critiques U.S. reliance of China, a key part of Donald Trump’s platform in both 2016 and 2020. She writes:


“[T]he pandemic has underscored how much the United States relies on China and other countries for vital imports—not just lifesaving medical supplies but also raw materials such as rare-earth minerals and electronic equipment that powers everything from telecommunications to weapons systems.”


And while also appearing to lambast her own side’s heartlessness over job losses – she calls the left’s “learn to code” mantra “fanciful and condescending” – she also gives away that a Democratic plan for the “modernization” of the U.S. military would lead to massive job losses:


“No one should pretend that every defense job can be saved or replaced. Cutting hundreds of billions of dollars in military spending over the next decade will inevitably inflict a painful toll on families and communities across the country.”


The admission will further serve as a boon to the Trump campaign seeking to bolster its support amongst military families after a fake news onslaught wherein The Atlantic magazine invented sources in order to drive a wedge between the President and his traditional base.

Anonymous ID: f85c86 Oct. 12, 2020, 3:44 p.m. No.11042788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Proof that Joe Biden's family OWNED SLAVES


The Left has become all too comfortable in this current culture of cancel. The entire country should be cancelled for its history with slavery. The founders should be cancelled. Rip all their statues down! Change the names of buildings and signs! And don't get them started on Mount Rushmore.


And this bleeds over into one's personal history. Redemption means nothing to them. A pivot point, life changing, switch in thinking or behavior… counts for nothing. This means a tweet someone might have sent when they were a child is worthy of cancellation.


But it's funny how none of this applies when it's one of their own. Governor Northam had a photo of him in either black face or a Klan outfit. Why wasn't he cancelled? Jimmy Kimmel used to think black face was hilarious. His Karl Malone segment was a staple of his show. Why wasn't he held accountable to the standard they held Megyn Kelly? Who, by the way, merely made a comment about people that dress in black face to honor someone they admire. She was cancelled, but Kimmel, who dressed in black face in segment after segment after segment — to MAKE FUN of a black man — never took a hit.


Joe Biden is another great example. Here's a man that worked with segregationists, but is somehow exempt of cancellation. His crime bill was the exact opposite of what the Left is now proposing. How many black Americans were sent to prison because of that law? Again I ask… why is he exempt? How can Joe Biden look black people in the face and tell them they aren't really black if they don't vote for him? Would Donald Trump be allowed to say that?!


Maybe Biden's immune from the Left's cancel rage due to his "strong" family background. The left went after Trump's family history, and viciously knocked his roots. The New York Times went after the families business dealings, going all the way back to his father. The media has gone after his children, despite no criminal activity -which we can't say the same for Hunter - and the attacks even include the president's youngest child, Barron. I even remember John Oliver going after Trump's ancestral name. The "Make Donald Drumpf Again" episode broke records in viewership at HBO. Going back into a candidate's or politician's ancestral tree is clearly important to them.


So I guess that's why Joe Biden is so insulated. A lot of people have looked into Biden's family tree, focusing primarily on his mother's side of the family. Good hard working Irish ancestry! "Lunch Box Joe" who comes from a long line of blue collar coal miners. But what about Biden's FATHER'S ancestral line? Why has no one looked there? Wouldn't it be good to further build that blue collar "lunchbox Joe" image? And Biden's very proud of that part of his family. It's where his middle name comes from. Joe ROBINETTE Biden.

Anonymous ID: f85c86 Oct. 12, 2020, 3:48 p.m. No.11042850   🗄️.is 🔗kun

AGRICULTURAL TERROR: New Zealand Blocks Farmworkers, Leaves Crops to Rot


Attacks on our food supply continue at all levels: New Zealand has blocked farmworkers from entering, leaving crops to rot. Biden advocates mandatory COVID19 testing for farms, processing plants, and grocery stores, ensuring more shutdown of the food supply. Vandals hang bolts from corn, ruining thousands of acres of silage and potentially killing thousands of cattle in a “willful, specific act to harm livestock.” A massive — and full — grain elevator in Marengo has burned to the ground.


Christian breaks down the latest sabotage on our food supply chain.

Anonymous ID: f85c86 Oct. 12, 2020, 3:50 p.m. No.11042871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2936 >>3063 >>3173 >>3281 >>3316 >>3346

World Health Organization Wrecks the Democrats' Narrative on COVID-19 Lockdowns


Perhaps the World Health Organization (WHO) can help settle the insane political argument over lockdowns in the United States. Lockdowns have become highly partisan rather than something based on data and information. The world has seven months of experience with COVID-19 now, and a few facts have become more than clear.


According to the CDC’s Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) calculations, COVID-19 is rarely fatal to those under 19. In fact, IFR for those under 50 is lower than that of the seasonal flu. These calculations were made based on early data from Europe, and treatment has improved. Additionally, U.S. hospitals have never been overwhelmed, nor has any American ever been denied treatment.


At the beginning of the outbreak, this strain on resources was a primary concern. Since then, we have increased the supply of ventilators, personal protective equipment, and other needed supplies. The health system has demonstrated the ability to surge resources where they are needed quickly. Several therapeutics are also helping people survive and recover more quickly.


In light of this, the World Health Organization has a message for world leaders: Stop using lockdowns as a primary control for the pandemic. Like President Trump, they note the health and economic costs of lockdowns, especially in a global economy:


Dr. Nabarro says specifically, “I want to say it again, we in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of this virus.” The only time the agency recommends one is for a short period to reorganize or redeploy resources to areas with needs. This matches the Trump administration’s initial “15 Days to Slow the Spread” message. Somehow that became “Lockdown Until the Virus Disappears,” and we have entire states on the 210th day of that project.


Nabarro goes on to talk about how some of the poorest regions are being impacted. Without tourism, many workers in the Caribbean and some areas of the Pacific lose all income. Small farmers globally are suffering, and the WHO estimates we could double the global poverty rate — reversing stunning improvements over the last ten years. He estimates a similar doubling of child malnutrition because of school cancellations where kids get at least one meal.


He closed by saying, “And we really do appeal to all world leaders, stop using lockdown as your primary control method. Develop better systems for doing it. Work together, learn from each other, but remember lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.”