Anonymous ID: e38cf8 Oct. 12, 2020, 4:35 p.m. No.11043530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3568 >>3693 >>3827 >>3846 >>3937 >>4067

The three biggest lies of science


  1. "The Big Bang Theory"


Science wants to convince you that the entire universe, everything, came from nothing. This is obviously an incoherent idea. By definition, something can't come from "nothing", otherwise you have to throw out all of science. All of science is predicated on cause and effect, and "nothing", by definition, can't cause "something".


  1. Neo-Darwinian Evolution


The modern, neo-Darwinian theory of evolution states that all of life comes from non-life. This is predicated on the idea that proteins (not to mention DNA), "evolved" from a slew of base materials. The problem with this is that there is no mechanism to cause this to happen. By random chance, it would be almost impossible (less than 1 in 10 to the 40th chance) for a single protein, much less all of the proteins, to begin to exist. This is impossible.


Furthermore, DNA is the most complicated computer program ever. So complicated that it's self-replicating, self-healing, and self-propegating. More complicated than any computer program written. If I told you the computer you're on right now came about by random chance, you'd laugh, yet that is the exact story, with no evidence, for DNA.


  1. The Copernican Principle


This is the grand-daddy of them all. The "Copernican principle" is a theory of astrophysics that states that no where in the universe is special. That we are on a random rock in a random solar system in a random galaxy in a random spot in the universe. This is a basic assumption, not something that is borne out by the evidence. What evidence? Well let's go with three experiments that demonstrate that the earth almost certainly isn't moving.


First, the Michelson-Morely, and Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiments. These are interferometer experiments that seek to detect motion of the earth through the aether. Specifically, the Michelson-Morley experiment showed that the earth is not translating around the sun at the requisite speed for the earth to be revolving around the sun, as demanded by the heliocentric (Copernican principle) worldview. In contrast, the Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiment was done to detect the revolution of the earth. This experiment, was positive. So we have 2 experiments: Michelson-Morely showing that the earth is not revolving, and the Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiment showing the earth is rotating. If the earth was only rotating, however, there would be no seasons, so the earth cannot be rotating, and by the Michelson-Morley experiment the earth is not moving. Thus the conclusion to be drawn is that the universe is in fact rotating around the earth, with the earth at the center.


The second experiment is known as "Airy's Failure". In this experiment, Airy setup 2 telescopes, both pointing at a single star. One telescope was filled with air, and the other filled with water. The theory is that since the earth is moving (according to the heliocentrists), if both telescopes are focused in the same way on the same star, then one of them will not see the star whereas the other will. Why? Because due to the motion of the earth and the different refraction properties of air and water, the focus would be out for one of the telescopes. This experiment showed that both telescopes were focused on the star, indicating the earth is not moving, and geocentrism is true.


A third series of experiments are the COBE, WMAP, and Planck missions. Each of these missions set out to map the cosmic microwave background radiation of space (one after another, to confirm the results, since they were unbelievable). In all cases, the mapping found that there was a distinct symmetry of the background radiation centered around the earth, leading to Michigan researchers to dub this symmetry the "axis of evil", and jewish atheist physicist Lawrence Krauss to opine that it made it look like the earth is the center of the universe.


If you believe that the government is lying to you, why do you trust the scientists?


I didn't even bother mentioning climate change, which everyone knows ( is a hoax.


Do your own research. Trust no one. You have more than you know.

Anonymous ID: e38cf8 Oct. 12, 2020, 4:59 p.m. No.11043886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4012


The only thing that makes sense is God. The only God that makes sense is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. The only religion that makes sense is the one that claims apostolic succession back to the apostles that Christ guided.


As much as it pains me to say this (and believe me it hurts me more than you with the amount of crow I've had to eat), it is the only Church with the full sacraments. And that is the Catholic Church.


Is the Catholic Church a mess? Yes. But that's just more evidence it's guided by God. No human organization that poorly run, that full of scandal and division, has lasted nearly that long. And after going to confession, I've seen a marked improvement in my demeanor and myself.


After cursing the Pope and the Church for decades, I now beg God for mercy and deliverance from evil. May God have mercy on us all.


If you're looking to learn the arguments for Catholicism in more detail, I highly recommend looking into the Traditional Latin Mass, and apologists like "Reason and Theology". Good luck anon. May god give you all the grace you need to come to Him.

Anonymous ID: e38cf8 Oct. 12, 2020, 5:09 p.m. No.11044064   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I highly, highly recommend either the books "Galileo was Wrong: The Church was Right", which is a 3 volume set (2 volumes covering the science, 1 covering the evidence from Catholic Church history), and seeing that the presupposition that the universe is expanding is probably not true. It's probably rotating around the earth.


That's a lot (a lot a lot) of reading, so you can also check out the films "The Principle" (which has physicists explaining the evidence for a more lay audience), and/or "Journey to the Center of the Universe", which is a 4+ hour long discussion as a deep dive into the science itself.


In all, the history of the world is very different than what "modern man" believes. The science is very different than what "modern man" believes. Knowledge is the only way.



Kind of :)

Anonymous ID: e38cf8 Oct. 12, 2020, 5:11 p.m. No.11044082   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You really hate the idea that I know that I am special, and I am God's child, and that God loves us so much He put us at the center of the universe, as the science proves, don't you?


Try coming up with a refutation of the facts, and the science next time. Thanks for playing, though.