maybe check the "help wanted" ads BEFORE you decide on a major? just sayin'….
>is Jessie idiot or stupid?
>I'm guessing Liberal
nah… just a typical cunt. "don't listen to what i say, read my mind, you stupid fucking male chauvinist pig."
>Why does a bullied kid need a go fund me page? It's not like he incurred any medical expenses or anything. Was this a hoax?
if the story is true, which i doubt, he needs bullied MORE, until he learns to stand up for himself and fight back.
a desperate plea to be euthanized?
DUH! ask yourself, why would "they" admit that? it's just prelude to stricter lockdowns, because muh masks don't work!
>"Honey, can you hand me my mask. It's in your purse, next to my balls."
don't be silly, dear. your balls aren't in my purse. i ate your balls for breakfast on our honeymoon.