>time for another bowl
>Same "tricks" as (2016).
>1. Fake suppression polls.
>2. WW betting odds overwhelmingly favor Biden.
>Lame, tedious & transparent actshually.
Don't forget all the major networks are all colluding.
They will not even declare a winner. (you know why)
They will claim that millions of ballots are still in the mail.
It's going to be like the hanging chads on steroids.
>Did somebody seriously suggest smoking weed?
>You turn humans into animals
That's in Thailand. They are not OK.
>and Pelosi will be Presidentโฆ
Her 275,292 voters vs. 70+ million for the Status Quo, Trump?
No, don't think so.
>Mr. Pig is spearheading the unite anons campaign. It will come together. o7
Trips manifest it so.
>I cure and smoke my own bacon.
>she reads and writes at a 5th grade level
That's only the stuff she writes for (you); we all get the big-word stuff.
>=john podesta is joules.?โฆ..==
Could it be anyone else?.
Ever with the gambling lingo too.
>Speaking of 4AM talking points, when you run this pic through Tineye it shows many articles by the MSM all on Aug 11-14.