>>11046504 (lb)
nah, would probably offer it to take some pots w/ me.
the mothership is going to come through the clouds all independence day and land on the wh lawn any day now.
aaaaaaaany day….now.
>>11046504 (lb)
nah, would probably offer it to take some pots w/ me.
the mothership is going to come through the clouds all independence day and land on the wh lawn any day now.
aaaaaaaany day….now.
because people are so literally retarded they can't look at geotus' twatter account to check his drops.
it really is fucking hilarious how you niggers seem to think you can dictate how anons should label shit, talk, phrase posts, etc.
fuck right the fuck off.
>reverse psychology fail
if someone gets triggered over non-pc words on a screen then maybe it's time for them to re-evaluate their fucking life, snowflake.
the whole point of the chans is to break the politically correct conditioning that is the mainstream narratives and touch on topics that [[[they]]] censor and deem "hateful".
the whole kumbaya, tree hugging shit will not fly with fighters.
how do you expect to take down a global crime syndicate that literally traffics kids and murders people for fun if you can't break the conditioning in your own mind.
if you cant take the /bantz/ then shut the fuck up and lurk.
read the welcome message.
>>11046877 (noice dubs)
hagn, anons.
long day, voted straight repub ticket early on and ear has been fucking with me for 2 days, kinda pissing me off.
gonna put on some jewtube vidya streamer and pass out.