Yeah, but you say that every time Benghazi is brought up every couple years.
But then people like you will never hire their kids because they don't have the "necessary credentials."
>anyone who hires "degrees" over experience
The majority of places do. My experience tells me that any halfway decent job has a better chance of going to some dumb kid with a piece of printer paper than someone who's worked in the industry for years without a piece of printer paper. Hence why parents go all out to assure their speshul little pookums gets the piece of paper.
>we control the deep state
This is a common delusion I see with the leftist footsoldiers of today. They genuinely believe their movement is organic, completely controlled by street level people such as themselves and that they are the ones telling the liberal elite what to do, not the other way around.
I think the most accurate term to describe their attitude and view of the world as weaponized narcissism. It's like the opposite of weaponized autism.
This describes the relationship between me (former) best friend and I almost to a T. How do you convince a conceited, pretentious, arrogant prick that they've been manipulated? It's absolutely impossible, and they truly will just double down on stupid simply to spite you.
Indeed. And predictably, that friend became obsessed with leftie twitter and is now essentially imprisoned in a mental echo prison.
It seems to learn what's beyond the matrix, you have to come to terms with the reality you've been living in is false and be able to not only admit it, but be open to a completely new reality. If you're somehow convinced that you're the highest moral and intellectual authority anywhere (despite having no accomplishments to indicate as such) and that the establishment is somehow your lap-dog, you'll never break out and probably end up in an institution of some sort before this is all over.
That's where most leftists are right now; deranged but the only ones unable to see it are them.
>one day you might hear from them that they were merely just pretending to be retarded
Exactly what I'm expecting. It very much is a cult, and unfortunately cult brainwashing is very hard to reverse. Especially in the types of people cults attract.