I hope u r enjoying my Art Project, which I re-named Infinite Kunt Op. ~ Shianon
Dont forget Benghazi, the Khaddafi murder, the deposition of Mubaruk, ISIS etc etc
Trump announced tonight that nothing will ahppen against the deep staters until after the election. We'll see. I voted for him anyway. I didnt last time.
While fleeing California, man is arrested by authorities for unpaid parking tickets from Los Angeles and Bakersfield.
You have the chat logs?
Landscape gardening is valuable and productive.
Look what injecting pots just one time did to this once-promising 16 year-old who was No. 1 in track & field and Captain of the Glee Club at Wilmington High.
Your post made me high and saved me from getting cancer.
I'm nominating her for High-Ranking status.
Bin Laden died in 01. No body later. Fake and gay. Stop spreading this obvious lie that Obama killed bin Laden.
So skeery.
That's a lot of work, Hon.
Are you even off probation?
These people are sick.