Anonymous ID: 6087fb Oct. 12, 2020, 11:39 p.m. No.11048254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8274 >>8301 >>8321 >>8593

appreciate the baker trying. but his anime pics and short summaries he seems like a nigger.




SGT USMC Benghazi Warrior, co-author “13 Hours”, Public Speaker, Action Shooter


>>11047366 LB

>>11046076 LB -THE 'AGITATOR' is celebrating leaving the Denver Shooting. And he purposely changed his appearance when leaving!


WHAT IS CRAZIER!!! Instagram deleted one of the soldiers who survived Benghazi!!!!!!!


if he has not earned the right to have an opinion who has?


>>11048005 LB

>>11047946 LB


ONCE POTUS GETS IN 11/3, all his supporters should bail on all CCP influence social media!!!


The POTUS and American Hero's opinions are not welcomed on social media. clown world.


keep glow niggering baker

Anonymous ID: 6087fb Oct. 12, 2020, 11:46 p.m. No.11048321   🗄️.is 🔗kun



what is funny is Tucker said he was in Benghazi in 2002 and John Tiegen smiled and let it pass. How Tucker did not give him props for being an American Hero who risked his life for others in the Benghazi attack was a missed opportunity.


with the all the talk of the benghazi coverup soon maybe Tucker can have John Tiegen back on for his opinion of biden and hrc and bho.

Anonymous ID: 6087fb Oct. 13, 2020, 12:44 a.m. No.11048593   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notables #14131 Comfy Bread Edition

>>11048075 dancing POTUS

>>11048134 Antifa tore down 2 statues and raised their own

>>11048148 youtube witch - her more "noteworthy" statement is that she'll delete Trump's videos on YT if [when] he declares his win on election night

>>11048254 THE WITNESS ON TUCKER TONIGHT WAS John “TIG” Tiegen!!!! from Benghazi raid

>>11048277 daily mail fear mongering that Trump winning causes people to die of heart attacks and strokes.

>>11048387 fruit loop time - is the moon a spaceship?

>>11048457 i went to school for 6 years and all i got to show for it is a david bowie androg look

>>11048538 CERN operation next week expected to make first contact with a parallel universe

>>11048583 Does the Moon Sound Like a Bell?

@ 502

if no one is baking here are the notes @ 502

Anonymous ID: 6087fb Oct. 13, 2020, 1:03 a.m. No.11048661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8669



a dozen? try 50. How about the lawsuit against the TV channel? But what will be better is when the instigator, who is BLM, is linked to press and tv for coverage aka "pushing the white supremacist narritive" for Anti-Trump ratings!!!


Shut down that network,