Anonymous ID: b58b37 Oct. 13, 2020, 12:48 a.m. No.11048611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8617


not necc…

I acclimatized to 4 am talking points because their tears are so very sweet to muh palette, it's my fucking duty!!! AND day shift is full of gatekeepers.


WNB = probably inthematrixxx

OSS = probably Shady gravy

and I have one yet to pin but really, does it even matter?!

Traitors everywhere

Surrounded by Evil


and I was always a night owl from way back so it fits.

Cannot sleep goes both ways.

Evil is scared…

Good is excited and ready.

I will leave it up to the observer to decide which one I am as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I don't need no fake frenz anyways…

Anonymous ID: b58b37 Oct. 13, 2020, 1:02 a.m. No.11048656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8659 >>8666 >>8816


Oh! You like that shit do ya!? kek

Cuban immigrant WARNS against socialism at Trump


< - - This video came to my attention after DJT jr posted it on fakebook.

He said that Castro was a Roman Catholic who took great offense to the suggestion by a reporter that he was a Communist yet a Communist he was! and that Castro was trained by the Roman Catholic Jesuits.

Who REALLY created communism?!

Who REALLY created fascism?!

Who REALLY created socialism?!

Look at the data and discern you fucking faggots!

Bow down!


Anonymous ID: b58b37 Oct. 13, 2020, 1:03 a.m. No.11048662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8663 >>8686

Meet Maximo Alvarez

Maximo Alvarez was born in Cuba, the son of a Spanish refugee from the Spanish Civil War whose emigration he attributed to communism.

He was evacuated to the United States at the age of 13 during Operation Pedro Pan, fleeing the Cuban Revolution;

he remembered many other Cubans his age who had "swallowed the communist poison pill" and starved or died as a result.

He went on to become a businessman in Florida, becoming President of Sunshine Gasoline. On 24 August 2020,

he spoke at the Republican National Convention to condemn the Democrats, saying that their economic policies did not sound "radical" to him, but "familiar".

He also claimed that Joe Biden was "mostly concerned about power…but not for the benefit of all Americans,"

and he said that he saw history being rewritten amid the George Floyd protests, claiming that they were echoes of a former life that he did not want to live again.

He also praised Donald Trump and warned voters that it was up to America to choose "freedom over oppression", claiming that Trump was "fighting the forces of anarchy and communism"

and that Biden would "hand the country over to those dangerous forces."

Anonymous ID: b58b37 Oct. 13, 2020, 1:20 a.m. No.11048730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8748 >>8816

McAdams, Owens debate COVID, BLM, QAnon and Trump

By: Ben WinslowPosted at 9:11 PM, Oct 12, 2020 and last updated 12:55 AM, Oct 13, 2020

SALT LAKE CITY — In a wide-ranging and lively forum, incumbent Democratic Congressman Ben McAdams debated his Republican challenger, Burgess Owens over who should represent voters in Utah's most swing district.


The candidates portrayed themselves as people who can unite, while each fending off accusations they are truly partisan.


Both took issue with the federal government's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.


"This virus is serious and we must take it seriously," said McAdams, who has recovered from the virus. "I believe that Washington has failed us. Congress has failed us."


McAdams voted against the most recent Democratic stimulus proposal, while Owens said any help should be targeted to those that will truly need it.


"Right now we’re looking at targeting help for folks who really need it. Not for states, not for blue states that want to get bailed because for the ways they’ve dealt things in the past. They don’t deserve that right now," he said. "I think the way is coming together and focusing on we, the people."


Anonymous ID: b58b37 Oct. 13, 2020, 1:24 a.m. No.11048742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8816

October 12, 2020

Peloton Is Going to War Against QAnon

The at-home fitness brand has eliminated QAnon-related tags from its platform. Peloton allows its users to communicate with like-minded users by following certain tags.

Did these motherfuckers just way WAR?!

Of note is the fact that the same stories from yesterday are

posting up as "recent" and "4 hours ago" on time relevant searchs

Anonymous ID: b58b37 Oct. 13, 2020, 1:29 a.m. No.11048757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8816

Pompeo’s visit: Sri Lanka says it will not bend to US pressure

on MCC or SOFA

Posted on October 12th, 2020

By P.K.Balachandran/Daily Express

To stem Chinese advance in Sri Lanka, US would like Sri Lanka to sign the MCC compact and SOFA, both of which have raised the hackles of nationalists.


Colombo, October 11: The Sri Lankan government will not bend to the United States on the issue of the Millennium Challenges Corporation Compact (MCC) or the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) when the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visits for talks with Lankan leaders, a top government source said.


The Gunaruwan committee appointed by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa had gone into the MCC compact and has suggested that it be renegotiated to make it compatible with the Sri Lankan constitution and law. It remains to be seen if the Americans will agree,” the top source said. As for SOFA , it cannot be on the agenda now because we would like to take up issues one by one,” he added.


SOFA, like the MCC, has also come under heavy flak from Sri Lankan nationalists and the media on the grounds that it violates Sri Lankan law and constitution.


Pompeo will be here on a scheduled visit at the end of October as part of a tour of various countries.


The ranking US official is currently busy sewing up Quad” an alliance of US, Australia, Japan and India. He had visited Japan, had a powwow with its newly elected Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and emerged from it confident that Abe’s successor is in line with the anti-China policy of Abe and the US. Pompeo would like to firm up his ties with India and hope to rope Sri Lanka into the alliance giving its strategic position in the Indian Ocean where China’s maritime activity is increasing with the construction of ports in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Pakistan, facilities which could be used for military purposes in the future. On September 10, the US signed a Framework for U.S. Department of Defense-Maldives Ministry of Defence Defense and Security Relationship” agreement to keep the Chinese away.


The US is worried about Chinese investments and loans advances to Sri Lanka as it fears that Sri Lanka will become a Chinese satellite. To stem the Chinese advance in Sri Lanka, the US would like enter into the SOFA agreement with the island nation and also create for itself an economic base by using the MCC compact of US$ 480 million. It has warned Sri Lanka not to fall into a Chinese debt trap and lose its sovereignty to China.


In a recent newspaper interview, the US Ambassador Alaina Teplitz made this plain invoking the wrath of the Chinese Embassy which asked her not to break diplomatic etiquette by fomenting trouble between the host country (Sri Lanka) and a third country (China).


Earlier In the interview to the Colombo-based Daily Mirror, US Ambassador Teplitz questioned China’s trade deals with Sri Lanka and asserted the need to ensure that global standards of free trade and a fair investment climate are in place for the benefit of Sri Lankan and US businesses.


Teplitz noted that the US believes partnerships between countries should be open, transparent, and mutually beneficial – and if this is what Sri Lanka’s relationship with China embodies, then the US will encourage it.


Our concern is that Sri Lanka is not vulnerable in its relationships, and that this country is able to negotiate the best deals supporting sustainable, environmentally sensitive, and affordable results,” Teplitz said.


She noted that a 2019 World Bank study concluded that more than 60 percent of PRC-funded BRI projects are allocated to Chinese companies and stressed that tender processes are opaque.


‘The World Bank called for open and transparent public procurement to increase the likelihood that BRI projects are allocated to the firms best placed to implement them. Sri Lankan think tank Verité Research analyzed 50 high value loans from the PRC to Sri Lanka. All but one loan (where data was available) were 100 percent ‘tied’ – meaning the loan terms dictated that contracts and tenders be awarded to Chinese contractors, limiting the ability of Sri Lankan and global firms to compete for these projects. Fair competition would lower prices and ensure better quality,’ she said.


The Ambassador noted that Sri Lanka is a sovereign nation and it is not up to the United States to dictate the quality of Sri Lanka’s partnerships, but the US does believe it is better for countries if transactions are transparent and cost-effective, and if they create jobs and other material benefits for local people.


Anonymous ID: b58b37 Oct. 13, 2020, 1:34 a.m. No.11048767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8816

Pushback to Xi Jinping to reflect in US approach to ‘One China’ policy

China watchers believe that Xi Jinping’s One China policy will come under

intense pressure if Donald Trump returns to power

WORLD Updated: Oct 13, 2020, 12:35 IST

Shishir Gupta Hindustan Times, New Delhi


Two of the biggest takeaways from the October 6, Quad security dialogue were that US confrontation with China over Taiwan has the potential of serious escalation and that Washington blames Beijing for not only the global pandemic but also for the economic hit on the American economy on the eve of Presidential elections.


While India is legitimately worried about the on-going military stand-off with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in East Ladakh, the three other Quad powers were far more concerned about China’s bellicose moves on Taiwan. With US Navy super carriers and destroyers patrolling the South China Sea, there is serious military friction over Beijing’s bullying of Taiwan.


Indo-US interlocution and diplomatic feedback from the Indo-Pacific indicates that Beijing’s “One China” mantra may come under question if US President Donald Trump returns to power, although the Biden campaign has signaled that it too will take the hard line on China. The legislation introduced in Capitol Hill over Tibet and Xinjiang, and the military moves over Taiwan and South China Sea are clear indicators that the “One China” policy could be called out by Washington — although some experts believe that the Trump administration is also applying the squeeze on China in the hope that a potential international incident could help the incumbent President in an election where he is trailing his opponent.

More at Link:

base link otherwise sticky = go search and you will find it

Anonymous ID: b58b37 Oct. 13, 2020, 1:38 a.m. No.11048778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8816

China warns Asian countries to be vigilant on U.S strategy in region

October 13, 2020 - 09:06

By Mei Mei Chu and Liz Lee


KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - The Chinese government's top diplomat, State Councillor Wang Yi urged on Tuesday Asian countries to remain "vigilant" over the risk of U.S. strategy stoking geopolitical competition in the South China Sea and other parts of the region.


Beijing and members of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) should work together to remove "external disruption" in the South China Sea, Wang said during a joint news conference with Malaysia's foreign minister.


"We (China and Malaysia) are both of the view that the South China Sea should not be a ground for major power wrestling teeming with warships," said Wang, who is on a short Southeast Asian tour.


"China and ASEAN have full capacity and wisdom, as well as responsibility to maintain peace and tranquility in (the) South China Sea."


Malaysia's Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said disputes over the South China Sea should be resolved peacefully through regional dialogue.


China, which has for years been locked in maritime disputes with other coastal states in the South China Sea, has in recent months held military exercises in disputed parts of the strategic waterway, while Washington has accused China of attempting to build a "maritime empire" in the area.


Wang described Washington's "Indo-Pacific" strategy, which aims to cast the United States as a trustworthy partner in the region, as a "security risk" for East Asia.


"What it pursues is to trumpet the old-fashioned cold war mentality and start up confrontation among different groups and blocks, and stoke geopolitical competition," he said.


"I believe all parties sees this clearly and will stay vigilant against it."


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has previously said Washington wants a "free and open" Asia not dominated by any one country.


During Tuesday's joint briefing, Malaysia's Hishammuddin said China had committed to purchase 1.7 million tonnes of palm oil until 2023 and had pledged to encourage increased shipments of sustainably produced Malaysian palm oil.

divided by race…

Anonymous ID: b58b37 Oct. 13, 2020, 1:39 a.m. No.11048789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8816

South China Sea situation remains 'volatile': Gapay

By Priam Nepomuceno October 13, 2020, 4:25 pm


MANILA – The situation in the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea) remains volatile due to "certain actions" of both China and the United States to protect their interests in the disputed waters, the country's military chief said on Tuesday.


"So we have seen aggressive actions on the part of China, you know from reclaiming the area and deploying you know, warships there, (Chinese) Coast Guards are very visible in that area and their maritime militias are there, they are practically swarming most of the areas in the West Philippine Sea and here comes the United States, of course, protecting their interest in maintaining sea lanes (of communications) open and free," said Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief-of-staff Gen. Gilbert Gapay in an online news conference with the Foreign Correspondents Association of the Philippines (FOCAP).


With these developments affecting Manila's interest, Gapay said the AFP, within the limits of its capability, is maintaining a presence in the West Philippine Sea.


"We conduct naval and air patrols every day in the West Philippine Sea and it involves seven Navy assets, and no more than 20 aircraft alternately performing air patrols in the area and we are augmented by the Philippine Coast Guard just to maintain the presence in the West Philippine Sea and to send the message to the other countries there and to our allies that this is an assertion of our sovereignty and our efforts in protecting and preserving territorial integrity of the country," he added.


As part of Philippine efforts to maintain a presence in the West Philippine Sea, Gapay said the AFP is now improving the Philippines' facilities in the nine occupied features in the area.


"We have troops in those islands, from Pag-asa plus eight other small features in that island, small features in the West Philippine Sea, we (have) barracks there, we're building local monitoring stations there, and other life support facilities for our troops and this is also one way of maintaining presence in the area," he added.


Gapay said the AFP is also maintaining and continuing relentless maritime domain awareness operations in the area.


"We have a number of local monitoring stations, monitoring all the vessels plying the West Philippine Sea, challenging them every now and then," he added.


Since the Philippines wants a peaceful resolution and approach to the different issues in the disputed waters, Gapay said most of the actions being adopted by the country are diplomatic.


"If there are some incursions, we right away file a diplomatic protest and at a tactical level we maintain open lines of communications with our counterparts on the ground, the Western Command we have open lines of communication with Southern Theater Command of China which is the military unit operating in the South China Sea so these are part of the bilateral and multilateral actions being implemented by the Armed Forces," he added.


With the Philippines pretty much involved in the crafting of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, Gapay said the AFP has aired its desire to have it fast-tracked so that it will be ready within the end of the year or early next year. (PNA)


Anonymous ID: b58b37 Oct. 13, 2020, 1:43 a.m. No.11048795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8816

China, ASEAN Should Prevent ‘External Disruption’ in South China Sea:

Wang Yi

October, 13, 2020 - 11:58


Wang, who is on a visit to Malaysia as part of a short Southeast Asian tour, did not elaborate.


During a joint a news conference, Malaysia’s Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said disputes over the South China Sea should be resolved peacefully through regional dialogue, Reuters reported.


China, which has for years been locked in maritime disputes with other coastal states in the South China Sea, has in recent months held military exercises in disputed parts of the strategic waterway, while Washington has accused China of attempting to build a “maritime empire” in the area.

Tehran is interested!

Anonymous ID: b58b37 Oct. 13, 2020, 1:47 a.m. No.11048806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8816 >>8831

Gina Haspel Blows Off Senators’ Demands To Quit Stonewalling

Congress On Russiagate Oversight

OCTOBER 12, 2020 By Tristan Justice


CIA Director Gina Haspel is continuing to stonewall top Republican senators, who are demanding that the intelligence chief hand over Russiagate documents they requested more than two months ago.


On Wednesday, Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin ordered Haspel to comply with a series of oversight requests from July pertaining to their review of Crossfire Hurricane, the undercover FBI operation that sought to execute a deep-state coup against President Donald Trump.


“The American people have a right to know the full extent of official action taken by federal officials during the 2016 campaign, the presidential transition, and into the Trump administration,” Grassley and Johnson wrote. “The information that has already been made public reveals what might be the most outrageous abuse of power in U.S. history against a presidential candidate and sitting president. Unfortunately, many of the puzzle pieces remain hidden, and some of that information rests within your agency.”


Grassley and Johnson, who lead the Finance Committee and Governmental Affairs Committees respectively, gave Haspel until Oct. 9 to comply with their requests. Grassley’s office told The Federalist Monday afternoon that the CIA chief has yet to respond to the requests.


Haspel’s continued refusal to cooperate with Senate investigators follows Federalist reporting that the head of the CIA is personally blocking the documents’ release in hopes that President Donald Trump loses in November in order to save her job. Notably, Haspel was also formerly the agency station chief in London under Obama CIA Director John Brennan in 2016 and 2017 while ex-British intelligence officer Christopher Steele pieced together the Democrat-funded and discredited dossier that became the basis for falsely charging Trump with being a Russian agent.


“Haspel and [FBI Director Christopher] Wray both want Trump to lose, because it’s the only chance they have of keeping their jobs,” a senior intelligence official told Federalist Co-Founder Sean Davis. “They’re banking on Biden winning and keeping them where they are.”


Breaking: CIA Director Gina Haspel Is Blocking Declassification Of Remaining Russigate Documents


Haspel had previously emphasized her commitment to working with Congress as head of the government’s premier intelligence agency during her confirmation hearing in 2018:


"As both a career intelligence officer and as an American citizen, I am a strong believer in the importance of oversight. Simply put, experience has taught us that CIA cannot be effective without the people’s trust, and we cannot hope to earn that trust without the accountability that comes with Congressional oversight.


…If confirmed as Director, I will uphold the Agency’s obligations to Congress and ensure that oversight works on behalf of the American people."


“Your apparent unwillingness to speak with us on this matter contradicts your testimony,” the senators wrote last week.