Anonymous ID: c9b815 Oct. 13, 2020, 4:29 a.m. No.11049336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9367 >>9380 >>9588


I believe it is to arrest Obama, HRC and the rest.

I also believe it is to find out WHO are the dirty players in govt;

HOW they are contacted/blackmailed;

HOW they perpetuate the negativity/blackmailing in their jobs;

How they cheat the system and WHO is involved in it;

Where the loop holes are, list them, then fix them (2020 afterTrump owns/wins WH, Senate and House.)(fixing will include Big Pharma prices, CDC, FDA, Lobbyists, Medical Insurance Billing, Big Tech, Banking, Media,Major Corps and any and all corrupt players;

ALL the players have to be known;

ALL the games have to be known"

ALL the rules have to change.

Because "This is not just another 4 year election"


This is not the kind of information you acquire overnight. Remember all those sealed indictments…? Im guessing many of them are small players, along w/ BIG players, too in offices in the govt and around the country, playing games/cheating the system to give bogus company's govt grants(Solyndra), or illegals a legit SS # or Driver's License number, etc.


REMEMBER:Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with one run by you, the American People.


None of that can happen until Trump Runs The Entire Country. We've seen the past 4 years (almost), where he only had WH/Senate. That will change Nov 4.


Be patient aoons, only 3 weeks to go! We are almost there. As Potus says, "We are rounding the final turn",


We are in the Home Stretch!

Anonymous ID: c9b815 Oct. 13, 2020, 4:41 a.m. No.11049380   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Im the type that tries the holistic approach before the medical/pills approach.


I suggest you reassess his diet and the nutrients he is getting (or not getting)


Iodine is severely lacking in the Standard American Diet. Big Govt has systmatically removed it from just about every single thing we eat, while adding heavy metals every chance they get. Heavy metals compete with Iodine for the same receptors. If you can get Iodine in the body, it WILL take the receptors before the heavy metals.


Iodine is an Essential Nutrient needed. It can start a snowball effect of medical issues if the body doesn't have it. Personally, I take (4) Iodoral (OTC) a day.


You should also look into detoxing heavy metals (thru food) for him. They tend to settle in the joints. This can easily be accomplished with smoothies (Fruits, greens and some liquid jizzed up in a blender. Cilantro and parsley are great at removing heavy metals). After several days of 1-2 smoothies/day and he should be feeling some relief. Heavy metals are pushed into the intestinal track, so its important to drink lots of water and fibrous veg to "get things moving" and to remove Heavy Metals.


Here are several sites that might help get you started. LYNNE FARROW 1:34:21 LONG


Do your own research. See for yourself.