Requested repost
MN Public School sends letter urging removal of Trump signs "for peace"
The whole block should get gigantic Trump flags sent to them!,-92.388997,3a,75y,45.6h,95.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFSNsT9aUQUrSWMFxUh1Rhw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
17 minutes?
Maxwell hearing adjourned. Judges sounded very unpersuaded by Maxwell's counsel's arguments.
Hopefully it stays that way. Not sure when to expect any sort of decision to be made about materials release if it is granted.
E's take:
My take: Maxwell's counsel was arguing their appeal to keep certain information sealed. I believe there were 3 judges hearing the arguments. They did not make a ruling, but their questioning of Maxwell's counsel leads me to believe they were not persuaded by their arguments. Hard to predict what happens next or when, but if they deny the appeal then I believe the dam breaks open and high profile certain names come pouring out.