Can't neither make anything of it.
With imagination maybe some vague letters.
But don't think it's anything.
The central tenet of the Democrat Party is a vast, centralized, all-powerful state that grants or takes away an individual’s rights as it deems fit. This is known in the trade as “tyranny.” The seating of Amy Coney Barrett would most certainly challenge if not seriously impede that for decades to come — at least if President Trump prevails three weeks from today (wow).
So now, knowing full well that to attempt to slime Judge Barrett or parade a gaggle of liars and frauds with some phony Balsey-Ford 2: Rape-Train Boogaloo smear would be ill-advised given how close we are to an election and that the public more than likely will not swallow it, the Democrat freaks and geeks posing as Senators are using the opportunity to trash President Trump, claim that Barrett’s confirmation will lead to the equivalent of mass death and also bastardize (yet again) the language and claim that Trump is “packing the court.”
No, fuckers. Trump is seating a justice as is his right and his Constitutional duty to do. He’s fulfilling a campaign promise he made four years ago to restore sanity to the judiciary by seating judges who will uphold the Constitution, not figure out ways to go around it in order to use it as a Democrat “insurance policy” (nudge-nudge wink-wink). Of all the things that aggravate me about the Left, the worst is their Orwellian bastardization of language and their claiming the mantle of being the just and righteous when everything that they have ever done or said proves just the opposite. At least with the election of Trump, I think more and more people are wise to this.
In any case, the Democrats have no one else to blame but themselves. Specifically Harry Reid and the late Ruth Bader-Meinhoff. Both were so cocksure that Hillary would win that the former blew up the filibuster in order to pack the DC Circuit, thinking once she was in, McConnell and the GOP would be neutered forever and the latter for insisting on retiring when she could see her replacement – think Kamala Harris or even Letitia James or Kim Foxx – sworn in by Hillary. How’d that work out for you, Dems?
And please, spare me the Merrick Garland tripe. There is no rule that states a President cannot seat a justice in an election year. Garland was resisted because the Senate and the President were from opposing parties. The principle of advise and consent clearly shows that Donald Trump is absolutely and unequivocally within his right to seat the nominee of his choosing up until noon on January 20th 2025. In other words, LOL-GF. It goes beyond being sore losers; these people truly feel as if they are entitled to lord over us. That’s why we got the Clinton/Obama soft coup. That’s why we have rioting and insurrection in the streets. That’s why we have lockdowns and religious persecution on the pretext of a non-existent medical emergency. This is dangerous. But, at least all of this is out in the open for anyone with eyes to see, and a mind to reason. And you can thank the election of Donald Trump four years ago for forcing them to reveal themselves, and especially the prospect of his re-election.
Two UK Media Trials: Phone Hacking & Julian Assange
We have seen the former CEO of News International Rebekah Brookes, and Assange, arrested, put on trial, and subject to huge amounts of journalistic attention, because their journalism, it was alleged, broke the law.
In both cases the question of their methods overshadowed their matter – their matter being for example that Dowler’s parents left messages on Millie’s phone in March 2002 that were hacked, or that U.S. soldiers killed over a dozen Baghdadi civilians in July 2007.
These things were revealed around the same time and involved some of the same people. For example, journalist Nick Davies was leading the investigations of phone hacking at The Guardian whilst he was working with Assange to publish the Afghan war logs.