X flight has frozen on my screen,.it could be landing at Miami International or Homestead, I can't tell.
OK, so the C-130 X flights are currently at Miami International. MacDill AFB, Charleston and NAS Norfolk. The XXX flight is on a bearing for Washington / NY area. SHADY47 MC-12 Liberty is landing at Savannah.
The East coast is being thoroughly covered.
US Government has just made the case that the civil and criminal Maxwell cases should not be combined and that the case for non-disclosure in the civil case hasn't been adequately made.
Judges are questioning but the Government aren't having it about the subpoena recipient's name remaining secret..
No precedent exists for disclosing information from a civil case from a criminal case. The information may compromise the criminal case so US Government won't have it.
This Anon was too. Judges now in a private conference call.
Maxwell's counsel not making a good case for non-disclosure. US Government argue that disclosure to the civil case would compromise criminal cases currently in motion. No precedent for merging the civil case with the criminal case to benefit from protection from disclosure.
C-130 flight XXX landing at McGuire Field.