or all of the below for new digs. All very important - up to you to chose.
1.) Gulftainer 50 year lease in DE/(Aside screaming about this for a long time here - a long lost thread. A HUGE Security Risk. Someone on POTUS team finally looking into it)
2.) IG Michael Ptasienski
3.) HRC Security Meeting 9/9/16
4.) Rehman Malik
5.) 'time phone' Thiel/CIA/Zuck
6.) Gladio - pair target w/ replacment
7.) SEFT - USAID/ Connect w/LYBYANETF/ /Connect w/ Egypt 2015 /USAID /$$$ /Mouce/Moustafa
) Chemonics, 1717 H St NW/connections to/and others in proximity/USAID Clean water
http:// www.delawarebusinesstimes.com/state-of-delaware-strikes-deal-to-lease-port-of-wilmington/
https:// www.joc.com/port-news/us-ports/trump-asked-review-gulftainer-lease-delaware-port_20180412.html
http:// dailycaller.com/2018/04/16/congress-failed-supervise-it-threats/
https:// www.c-span.org/video/?415067-1/hillary-clinton-holds-meeting-terrorism
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TJ2G4EsgRM
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Gladio
http:// www.syriantaskforce.org
https:// libyanetf.wordpress.com
https:// www.chemonics.com
https:// www.chemonics.com/news/progress-on-the-usaid-global-health-supply-chain-program-procurement-and-supply-management-project/
https:// www.ghsupplychain.org