Benghazi info in a nutshell:
bla bla bla clickbait please gibs moar clicks bla bla bla ok maybe a one sentence drip soon bla bla bla moar clicks please not good enough yet bla bla bla
Benghazi info in a nutshell:
bla bla bla clickbait please gibs moar clicks bla bla bla ok maybe a one sentence drip soon bla bla bla moar clicks please not good enough yet bla bla bla
Looks like RSBN hired Styx to host tonight's rally.
Bought him some contact lenses, too.
You anons sure about that?
He keeps talking about Bernie Bros and lolbertarian stuff.
WTF Rubini pimping it now, too?
If this turns out to be true (hope it does) then my LARPdar needs to go into the shop for repairs.
From the blue city neighborhood grapevine:
Many fags are silent MAGA - lezbos not so much.