Anonymous ID: 5e79c0 Oct. 13, 2020, 8:13 p.m. No.11060955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0976 >>0985 >>1155 >>1263 >>1366 >>1449 >>1547

Will All The Name-Brand People Who Pushed The Russian Collusion Conspiracy Get Off Scot-Free?


The Russian collusion hoax has fallen apart more every day. And we haven’t heard a word of comment from any of the people responsible for pushing it and helping fracture this country.


A year ago, the story dominating headlines was the allegation that President Donald Trump had colluded with the Russian government to win the 2016 election. The idea of impeaching President Trump due to these allegations was gathering steam, with accusations from elected officials and beyond that the president of the United States was a Russian puppet, a Manchurian candidate installed by Vladimir Putin, and even an agent of a hostile foreign power for the last 30 years.


You don’t need to be a fan of Trump to be outraged about the Russian collusion conspiracy. But it’s a mark against your patriotism, your judgement, or your intellect if you aren’t. Beyond just being perhaps the most defining political scandal of our time, the hoax gets under my skin because I fell for it. And I’m enormously angry for having been duped.


Now that this narrative has been proven false and possibly influenced by actual Russian disinformation, it is time to revisit how it was created and dominated U.S. politics for so long, as well as demand justice for its perpetrators.


The “Russian collusion” narrative first got its start shortly before the 2016 election, when John Podesta, chairman of the Clinton campaign, told reporters about an FBI investigation into the Trump campaign and suggested Trump was either “willfully ignoring” intelligence officials’ warnings or acting “as an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.”


This accusation eventually became a central pillar of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign. She pushed the claim on social media, including never-verified allegations about a server connected to future President Trump that was supposedly tied to Russia, and called on the FBI to release information about any connection between Trump and Russia.


Her running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine, suggested Trump was a Russian puppet two weeks before the election. Even the FBI’s own findings from late October, announcing that, despite a months-long investigation, they found no clear links between Trump and the Russian government, couldn’t throw any cold water on the allegations.

Anonymous ID: 5e79c0 Oct. 13, 2020, 8:15 p.m. No.11060974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1155 >>1263 >>1366 >>1449 >>1547

Consent Factory, Inc.The Covidian Cult


Manufacturing consent for private and public sector clients for over 250 years


One of the hallmarks of totalitarianism is mass conformity to a psychotic official narrative. Not a regular official narrative, like the “Cold War” or the “War on Terror” narratives. A totally delusional official narrative that has little or no connection to reality and that is contradicted by a preponderance of facts.


Nazism and Stalinism are the classic examples, but the phenomenon is better observed in cults and other sub-cultural societal groups. Numerous examples will spring to mind: the Manson family, Jim Jones’ People’s Temple, the Church of Scientology, Heavens Gate, etc., each with its own psychotic official narrative: Helter Skelter, Christian Communism, Xenu and the Galactic Confederacy, and so on.


Looking in from the dominant culture (or back through time in the case of the Nazis), the delusional nature of these official narratives is glaringly obvious to most rational people. What many people fail to understand is that to those who fall prey to them (whether individual cult members or entire totalitarian societies) such narratives do not register as psychotic. On the contrary, they feel entirely normal. Everything in their social “reality” reifies and reaffirms the narrative, and anything that challenges or contradicts it is perceived as an existential threat.


These narratives are invariably paranoid, portraying the cult as threatened or persecuted by an evil enemy or antagonistic force which only unquestioning conformity to the cult’s ideology can save its members from. It makes little difference whether this antagonist is mainstream culture, body thetans, counter-revolutionaries, Jews, or a virus. The point is not the identity of the enemy. The point is the atmosphere of paranoia and hysteria the official narrative generates, which keeps the cult members (or the society) compliant.


In addition to being paranoid, these narratives are often internally inconsistent, illogical, and … well, just completely ridiculous. This does not weaken them, as one might suspect. Actually, it increases their power, as it forces their adherents to attempt to reconcile their inconsistency and irrationality, and in many cases utter absurdity, in order to remain in good standing with the cult. Such reconciliation is of course impossible, and causes the cult members’ minds to short circuit and abandon any semblance of critical thinking, which is precisely what the cult leader wants.


Moreover, cult leaders will often radically change these narratives for no apparent reason, forcing their cult members to abruptly forswear (and often even denounce as “heresy”) the beliefs they had previously been forced to profess, and behave as if they had never believed them, which causes their minds to further short circuit, until they eventually give up even trying to think rationally, and just mindlessly parrot whatever nonsensical gibberish the cult leader fills their heads with.


Also, the cult leader’s nonsensical gibberish is not as nonsensical as it may seem at first. Most of us, upon encountering such gibberish, assume that the cult leader is trying to communicate, and that something is very wrong with his brain. The cult leader isn’t trying to communicate. He is trying to disorient and control the listener’s mind. Listen to Charlie Manson “rapping.” Not just to what he says, but how he says it. Note how he sprinkles bits of truth into his stream of free-associated nonsense, and his repetitive use of thought-terminating clichés, described by Robert J. Lifton as follows:


“The language of the totalist environment is characterized by the thought-terminating cliché. The most far-reaching and complex of human problems are compressed into brief, highly selective, definitive-sounding phrases, easily memorized and easily expressed. They become the start and finish of any ideological analysis.” — Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: : A Study of “Brainwashing” in China, 1961

Anonymous ID: 5e79c0 Oct. 13, 2020, 8:17 p.m. No.11060999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1032 >>1114

Kamala Harris Cites Planned Parenthood, NAACP in Opposition to Amy Coney Barrett


In an effort to show her opposition towards the nominee, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) cited letters from Planned Parenthood and the NAACP during Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday.


Harris’s remarks came during a conversation on abortion and Barrett’s personal view of the procedure. Harris stated:


The constitution of the United States protects a woman’s right to choose whether or when to become a parent and it protects a woman’s right to choose abortion. Women of color, immigrant women, women with low incomes, women in rural areas face significant barriers when it comes to attempting to access birth control, cancer screenings, and comprehensive reproductive healthcare.


Harris then targeted Barrett directly, highlighting what she believes to be differences between Barrett and the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


“Justice Ginsburg did not tell the committee how she would vote in any particular case. But she did freely discuss how she viewed a woman’s right to choose. But Judge Barrett clearly shows you hold a different view,” Harris continued, adding:


If the Senate considers filling the seat of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was straightforward enough in her confirmation hearing to say that the right to choose is ‘essential to women’s equality,’ I would suggest that we not pretend that we don’t know how this nominee views a woman’s right to choose to make her own health care decision.


Harris then entered for the record letters from Planned Parenthood, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and NAACP, all of which oppose Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court.


“Mr. Chairman, I ask unanimous consent that the following three documents be entered into the record,” Harris said. “A letter opposing Judge Barrett’s nomination from the NAACP, a statement opposing Judge Barrett’s nomination from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and a report opposing Judge Barrett’s nomination from the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund.”

Anonymous ID: 5e79c0 Oct. 13, 2020, 8:23 p.m. No.11061061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1082 >>1137


Anon's do not want you clowns involvedfuck off doccontrol freak


Everytime there is another option to comms bakers Anon's always choose that option.


Jewbakers have:

a separate board they communicate on

attack Anon's

protect the bankers, city of London, Davos crowd, Israel, Chabad, Bnai Brith

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delete notables of previous bakes

like cheat steal deceive


Baking isn't that hard there are instructions at the top of the bread,if you want to bake practice during late shift oldfags will help you.


No need to be inducted into the comms cult!