Anonymous ID: 68eaf7 Oct. 13, 2020, 8:52 p.m. No.11061415   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Biden Laden was moved to Iran without the glowies over there telling American glowie about it. Then when seal team 6 invaded BL’s compound they killed a body double had to make up the burial at sea story as cover

>obviously Iran knew about this happening

>Iran bent Obama over their knee and buttfucked them (extorted them) for $120BN in Funding and $2BN in cash to not ruin Obango’s second presidential campaign

>Clinton then sold stinger missiles to terrorists which are so easy a literal child can operate them

>joe biden Name drops seal team 6

>sandniggers blow up the helicopter with all 6 seals onboard

>sandniggers didn’t know how to detonate the missile so large chunks of it were recovered

>one chunk had a Serial number that linked back to the CIA/Clinton’s weapons cache

tfw Clinton, king nigger, and alphabets lied about capturing king sand nigger then supplied terrorists the weaponry necessary to kill the soldiers brave enough to carry out the raid

>to make matters worse they had to cover up what happened in Benghazi as they were the ones who supplies the weaponry, and bared witness to what reality happened with the Osama compound raid

>Hillary and Obama allowed radical insurrectionists to overrun Benghazi effectively sacrificing American personnel to the mob

>king nigger Obama then blamed it on a YouTube video about Muslims

You’re welcome"