Thank you, baker.
>What does this mean?
AOR includes Caribbean & Central / South America, and (((their))) networks for drugs, TIP, etc.
>the shills IDOLIZE him
>They will continue to not pay attention unless they see something that genuinely shocks and entertains them.
And then, about 10 minutes later, they'll be back on TWTR catching up on the latest with the Kardashians, or Kate Middleton, or whatever (((they))) shove at them.
>there wont be many of these so-called celebs left
A result devoutly to be wished. Let's pray it becomes so.
>These people will lose everything.
Plus interest, please. Some of us have loved ones who died, as a result of what (((they))) have done.
And they weren't peaceful, painless deaths.
>Future events re: Intel trip to NK will make heads roll.
Consider putting those on Pay-Per-View.
>Look, we just make these to sell. You want to buy them? We’ll sell them to you
Was this about the SpaceX missiles, or the children?
Those digits, anons.
> re: Intel & buying/selling
She should have set up a server, and sold them there.
Oh, wait …