Thoughts on "Insurance File" (another take)
187's bought and then secured within the Clowns/FBI - "Kill Box" Insurance
Target's to their plan, "insured" to not be.
Files kept hidden, quiet until now.
Campaign Finance, Attorneys, High Profile Clients (we don't know) paying to play and had an "Insurance File" hidden in State Secrets for their personal agenda. Pay to play. How do you hide a 187? Easy, when you're protected by agencies, who are really suppose to be protecting against people being victimized. So the victims are bought and paid for by the "clients" for the CIA/FBI to know this 187 is to be covered up, call it a suicide, missing person, etc.
How many so called "suicides" happen all around the same time, how many FF's happen back to back as distractions, a lot. FBI has been protecting the truth, and now a way has been made to exploit it, since now the FBI is being ousted for failing to protect and failing to (so called) properly investigate. What were they going to investigate what they are in fact involved in? Investigate each other?
Investigation (into them) is already done. "We have it all", meaning without a doubt, these people involved have obstructed justice, and committed treason in order to protect the 'Pay to Play."
They never thought she would lose.
It is what/who we don't know that have been protected by the CF money laundering scheme.