I’ve lurked for two years, and never posted before. I’m probably doing it wrong. Q, and Mr. President, sir. I have a suggestion, which would be easy, ( for you, ) and a feel good win. Please get rid of daylight savings. Do an executive order. Maybe it doesn’t seem like a big deal, but everyone hates it. People have heart attacks and get in car accidents every year. Children get sick and their school work suffers. It’s one of the little things the cabal does to make us miserable and to laugh at us while we struggle to cope. We have to get up in the dark and go to bed in the dark. It would be an awesome, symbolic, dark to light. I have liberal family members who would crawl over broken glass to vote for someone who got rid of this. It was one of the things Andrew Yang was running on, and I know young people too, who wanted to vote for him for just this one thing. I know you have a lot on your plates, but this little issue, this one little thing, would bring you so much good will if you could get it done. Thank you. Thank you so much for what you are doing. And thank you bakers, for your service to mankind. There are those of us that watch what you do in awe and humility.