Anonymous ID: 8d1050 Oct. 14, 2020, 9:48 a.m. No.11067766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11062116 pb

We re were sent ballots with cards inside to use at poll, no ID required at poll station. i'm taking poll course too right now.. and you just checks the name the potential voter gives you, no verification required.


The people who the ballots were addressed to (though they refrained from calling them ballots though they contained a passport to voting) were addressed to people we sometimes get junk mail for, though they don't live here.

So I assume they are using just bought mailing lists.

.like a Credit Card insde with a barcode. Addressed to people who lived here 10 years ago, maybe; for 2 or three weeks, coming through. Maybe one for a year/


. The machines have a slot for these credit card / bar coded voting tickets.

So if they don't ask for an ID anyone can use these cards


It will supposedly take you off the roster if you use it, Or block you if your name had already been used, But isn't it true that check could be easily tweeked in a 100% radical Dem or controlled by Dem voting District?


If some IT guys were in cahoots the vote count could be very inaccurate

As we'ver seen it could be in the past when the exit polls are way off frm the official count.


Already, a few years ago in my area, a chip was taken out form the polling place and returned a few hours later


. What ever happened to paper ballots which can be bi-partisan confirmed when counted by hand?

no need for a receipt which could be used to accept payment for vote.


I remember now what happened.

Bush people and/ or those who backed them bought the machine companies and pushed through the legislation for them to be mandated. "HELP AMERICA VOTE" ACT


"No child's behind left"


>>11065156 pb