Operation Gladio - post-WWII CIA op to infiltrate political structures throughout Europe, attack anti-CIA politicians, false flags, assassinations, etc. to control governments
Operation Cyclone - 1970's CIA op to engage in proxy war vs. USSR in Afghanistan
Mujahideen - mercenaries (Arab Muslims in other countries) recruited for Cyclone
Al Qaeda - the name of the database in the supercomputer in Saudi Arabia, which kept track of mercenaries, black market dealers (weapons, drugs, people?), etc.
Osama bin Laden - CIA operative (codename: Tim Osman) who was used to launder money from clean sources to terrorist operatives
John Brennan - muslim CIA operative working in Saudi Arabia who likely ran much of the black op terrorist operations, including issuing passports to 9/11 "hijackers"
9/11 - inside job: PNAC (Project for a New American Century) leadership, CIA, Mossad, Mujahideen, etc.
2003 - invasion of Afghanistan because bin Laden alive is now a danger to black ops and 9/11 truth, so he must be captured and eliminated; but was he? Likely a lot of disinfo surrounding his whereabouts and life/death status
2006 - Saddam Hussein executed for regime change to control oil in the region
2008 - employee of a company run by John Brennan breaks into the passport records of Barrack Obama at the US State Department; witness (Quarles Harris) murdered before he could testify
2008 - Obama installed as president of US; Brennan becomes CIA director
2009-2011 - questioning of Obama's eligibility to hold office heats up with evidence, lawsuits, etc.
May 2011 - just before a bombshell book is to be released to show that Obama is not eligible to be president, the "we got bin Laden" story hits the fake news media, controlling the narrative
Aug 2011 - Seal Team 6 bin Laden op members killed, and fake op members promoted in the fake news media to control the narrative
Oct 2011 - Muammar Qaddafi executed for regime change, allowing for a staging ground to invade Europe, as well as human trafficking
Sep 2012 - Amb. Stevens killed, likely because he found out something that made him dangerous to black ops
Nov 2012 - Gen. Petreaus resigns as CIA director amid "sex scandal" (since when do Dems care about sex scandals? Ask Jeffrey Epstein)
Jan 2013 - Smith-Mundt Modernization act goes into effect, making it "legal" (for the first time, post WWII) for the US gov't to engage in propaganda aimed at the American people; this was passed in 2012; John Boehner was Speaker of the House in 2012, and then quietly resigned, moving aside to install Paul Ryan after his failed VP election attempt in 2012
2014 - attempt to control Ukraine, on Russia's border; Joe Biden seizes on the opportunity to get rich riding Obama's coattails
2015 - HRC begins the process to be installed as next president; CIA, through FBI and 5 Eyes begins spy op on non-HRC candidates
Jun 2015 - Donald Trump announces his candidacy for POTUS; the howls from the fake news media drown out most serious discussion
Late 2015/early 2016 - Trump gains momentum; CIA black op begins to focus more and more on Trump; Peter Strzok is the liason between CIA and FBI; FBI (DOJ?) attorney is married to Obama White House advisor; Ben Rhodes is another Obama advisor and brother of Ben Rhodes, CBS news exec; DOJ #4 Bruce Ohr is married to CIA black op liason to 5 Eyes
May 2016 - somebody gets a hold of DNC emails that show the DNC conspiracy to install HRC as president, regardless what DNC voters want or what the general public wants
Jul 2016 - Seth Rich murdered
Jul 2016 - DNC emails published by Wikileaks
Jul 2016 - Trump wins GOP nomination
Jul 2016 - Operation Crossfire Hurricane black op to spy on Trump ramps up (already ongoing for many months, but this is the "official" start)
Nov 2016 - Trump is elected
Nov 2016 - black op conspirators collectively ask, WTF?
Dec 2016 - Jan 2017 - unmasking ramps up to gather as much intel as possible before Trump's inauguration
Jan 20, 2017 - Operation Swamp Drain begins
Oct 28, 2017 - Operation Q goes public
2017-2020 - FBI leadership removed
2017-2020 - DOJ leadership removed
2017-2020 - State Department leadership removed
2017-2020 - 3 Supreme Court justices appointed and confirmed
2017-2020 - 300 federal judges appointed and confirmed
2017-2020 - Great Awakening vs Black Ops being played out with minimal bloodshed
Oct 2020 - <--— You are here
Nov 3, 2020 - Presidential Election
Nov 4, 2020 - Operation Lock Them Up begins