Anonymous ID: 721c96 Oct. 14, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.11068537   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trump, Hilary, Biden, Pelosi, the Dems, the Republicans and the MSM ALL have one thing in common. Their unconditional love for fucking Israel. Q never misses an opportunity to blame China for all the ills in the world and compliments Trump for being the only one to stand up to them - yet can't manage even the mildest criticism of fucking Israel.

If fucking Pelosi gave the keys to the White house to fucking Netanyahu - anons would be rightfully irate - but Trump - who signed off on billions in 'aid' to fucking Israel - gave the keys to the White House to fucking Netanyahu and there wasn't a peep on the boards about it - not a fucking word.

The USS Liberty, 911 and hundreds of thousands of Palestinian victims of Israeli crimes have had their murders treated like a joke by Trump and Q and anons are cool with it.

That's why I have decided to point out that not alone is Israel loving Trump a biological female (all presidents have been - which is why it's called the Oval Office) - but also Melania - whom you all think is a babe - is actually a man. Do you really think Big Mike was the odd one out? Have you never wondered why they pretend they're using the FISA bullshit to take Obama down - when all they have to do is out Big Mike? They can't out Big Mike without outing Big Donna and Big Melania!

So fuck Trump - fuck Q - and last and by all means least - FUCK ISRAEL.

If one word I've typed isn't true - just one single word - I welcome fucking Q (or anyone else) to prove it.