The challenges in communicating meaningfully on this topic seem to lie in the fundamental subject matter. Most people do not understand economics to a level that provides sufficient background for comprehension of the problem. Even many economists (almost all those trained in neoliberal schools) have no grasp of monetary systems - hardly surprising as generations of economists have been told that the FIRE sector is merely outcome neutral “economic piping.” No doubt this obfuscation is the doing of central bankers, but the problem remains: if supposed professionals in the field are ignorant, what prospect is there of the general population coming to appreciate that the whole of our visible civilization hangs on undertaking a managed transition to a new system? The absence of public dialogue is yet more “don’t scare the horses” nonsense. An uninformed and consequently unengaged populace is marked out for plunder, and probably a measure of slaughter. We are almost out of time as it is.