The MSM is desperate to discredit "Qanon" as much as possible. They see the collective movement as a major threat to their delicate control structure. They require public support on their side and any loss of believers in their lie represents a loss of "turf" in the digital ground war. A digital soldier uses memes and expert debate strategy to counter the narrative and display to other silent-majority patriots that they are not alone. Laying down and being quiet is not an effective tactic in this game of memetic warfare. Ridiculing your opponent in a similar manner to what they have exercised against us is kryptonite to SJW/PC politics. By simply ignoring their empty rhetoric and shrugging off name-calling like racist or whatever breaks their strategy.
By censoring, shadowbanning, demoralizing and banishing us from the town's square of public discourse, they are demonstrating how important a lone voice of reason is among a sea of lies. Often your tweets or replies get no replies, lies or retweets but there are readers who see you. There are people who get power from your courage and everything works together and the sum is more than the parts.