Joe Biden goes into hiding with Corona …in 3…2….1…
DR Judy Wood where is the 20 story high debris pile as we see with other demolitions ?
" Where did the towers GO ? " book
Be a shame if this were brought up in House hearings , kek
what if I told you intelligence agencies created Osama Bin Laden , used him for 9-11 , then killed SEAL Team 6 when they learned the truth . . .
Gee whiz anons , just like skyrocketing sales of X Ray backscatter machines after Las Vegas shootings at Luxor black pyramid
mark of the beast - is born
What Q , Q+ , needs to realize is what Aldous HUXLEY said:
people are not in the here and now , they are in the "other" worlds of sports and soap operas ( and work / life stuff ) , POTUS must speak to the nation and detail the crimes in public.
If the war stays SILENT , it will be lost