These people are beyond stupid..
-Martha on her show today compared the washed up pornstar stormy to monica lewinsky. oh how much the msm (obviously foxnews as well) and the swamp creatures of the corrupt cabal wish that were the case.
They have all of their mainstream devices devoted to creating controversy. They cant afford to not have controversy pertaining to President Trump. They try to keep the Liberal base brainwashed, and Fox News job is to, in hopes of, changing Potus' base perception of him. With Fox News they have to go about it differently. They present the same bogus controversy the rest of the msm creates, present it in a serious tone, play defense with interjections of offense toward President Trump. They are all guilty of fake news all in an attempt to distract away from the most successful/promises kept a President has ever had in such a short amount of time.
-The Cohen raid was all for optics and headlines. Like everything else they pull out of a magic hat every other week. (Can't afford zero controversy)
These people dont live the normal everyday grind of being a hardworking American whether in the Middle Class, or Lower Class. Where every dollar matters. President Trump is improving American lives, while the MSM tries to project a fantasy no one is buying when they see that their lives are improving, nobody cares about the new weekly fake news scoop. (Soros funds a lot of the illusion)
The Puppet Swamp have been screwing us over for a very long time, a death by a thousand cuts.
The Middle East, Bush Sr initiated the testing grounds of Military power in the first invasion. (They new what was going to happen at the turn of the century)
Al qaeda which we funded in the early days was a proxy used to get us into afghanistan, establish a foothold into the coming events. They all new Iraq had ZERO WMDs, but Iraq was a vital piece to their agenda. So they created a false narrative, had the MSM blitz the WMD hoax to the fullest.
After time, (Disbanding the Iraqi Army after invasion/funding insurgents to establish a prolonged conflict/accumulation of resources from Afghanistan-Iraq during George W Bush's Admin. They then installed Puppet Obama Admin to move to the next phase of Middle East conflict-Toppling Gov'ts via funding an entirely new proxy known as isis. Why was isis destroyed so fast when Trump became President? Because the Cabal no longer held control over the Presidency in which they used AMERICAN BLOOD to advance their SICK agenda.
In 2009/10 Iraq was very quiet. No proxy initiating high volumes of attacks. 1 rkg3, or ied a month. Giving Sheikhs during that time large amounts of 'Micro Grants' as a prelude to jump starting the isis proxy. 2011 withdraw combat troops and unleash the horde across the Middle East.
-Glad these people are finally being exposed for who they really are.
Look at the way the MSM reported today about President Trumps remarks regarding NK Denuclearization. They all emphasized on the fact that he said there was a possibility that he could walk out of the meeting if need be. Their tone was very enthusiastic, they dont want it to happen, "we know why." The same way they report about Russia. Whats their endgame? The only ones stoking the flames of WW3 are the very swamp dwellers in the MSM who have been lying to us for many years and the FF cells trying to execute an illusion working hand in hand with the media. Our Country is in a severe need of prosecuting these evil people who have no regard for Human Life. The last thing they want is Peace. It's really sad.
-Open borders, refugees were avenues to import millions of people into the Country in order establish a massive stealth voting populations. They dont want to fix it, let alone build a wall. Its one of their pieces in the completion of their agenda. Bring in the Drugs, and votes for the cabal. Using tax payer money for the illegal living costs. Essentially making US pay for the honor of giving our Country away. Pure evil.
-Its a crazy web of corruption, spanning many years. The cause of so much devastation inflicted on Humanity. Where there is power, there are those who will attempt to corrupt it. Thankfully we have President Trump fighting for us, and Q Team keeping us informed of the Truth so in affect we can then bypass the Swamp stream media arm of the Cabal.
I could write a novel, I apologize for writing this much haha. ThanQ