Anonymous ID: d588f5 April 19, 2018, 5:46 p.m. No.1107471   🗄️.is 🔗kun






(last bread)


Confirmed: Satanism = Humanism = Feminism.


Funny about you {{things}},

Is that you are only able to visualize your fears,

Thus when around those who see most clearly,

Your fear-filled mind is like a leaky sieve,

And introduces SHIYT,

Into the world created by those who foolishly sympathize.




What Dreams May Come.

Vanilla Sky.


4 movies that highlight this point:

Molloch aka Satan is a thing WE created,

And only has power so far as we delegate;

So too Her Synagogue;

They only have power,

To do that which we reject/decline for ourselves.

Esau and Jacob.


The only Real and Final Solution,

Is to eliminate all degenerate urges,

ala the Vulcans from Star Trek,

Via disciplined exercise and labor,

Strengthening the neurophysiological elements,

Associated with restraint and courage.


Lookup: vagal stimulation, "inner smile" (taoist meditation), GABA receptor (foods that stimulate), cold showers (benefits of)